[CDB]Introduciator 1.1.0

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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Paul »

5hocK wrote:
Feneck91 wrote:I do not want to take part in one way or another but if phpBB does not validate my mod I could not distribute it.
It won't be denied because of someones personal opinion (half the Mods available wouldn't be here otherwise)
Indeed, the only reason a MOD will get denied is if it doesn't meet our rules (As linked by 5hocK), or if there is any security issue. You can safely assume that it will be approved if it meets those requirements. Just note that posting it in this forum doesn't get it validated, you need to submit (If it is ready for submission) here: https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/modifications-1/ (Click Create contribution)
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Thanks a lot paul for these informations.
I have already submit the beta from french pbpbb web site and they makes remarks about my source code (guidelines and some securities). I have already correct lot of code to be pbpBB compliant. I'm not sure all is Ok but I try to make it as perfect as I can.
To ask it to be validated, I should send Release Candidate version of 'stable' (I think it is RC).

I'm developping RC2 with subsilver and Artodia support (is subsilver is really needed ?).
+ Adding simple MOD permission configuration
+ automod xml to update rc1 to rc2 and perharps split install to make french language into contrib/language

I don't know what is the better way to do.
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Paul »

If you want to submit it to the MODDB (I dont know about the French requirements) it needs to be a stable/non RC/BETA version. It can be the same as the RC version, but with just the version number changed.

Subsilver2 support is not required here at phpBB.com, splitting the French language off from the main MODX file is (It needs to be in fr.xml instead).
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by 5hocK »

There's this tool too: MPV - MOD pre validator
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Usually, version are 1.0.0-rc1, 1.0.0-rc2 ..... and 1.0.0 (stable).
If I submit it as 1.0.0 stable revision and you find something to change (you will certainly find something), ok, I change it to patch some problems... what about this version ? It will be lost and I use to submit 1.0.1 .... and 1.0.2...

I thought I submit RC versions and when it is accepted without any modification, the RC is changed to stable version... (and of course the internal revisions should be changed). I didn't understand the entire process of mod validation...

MPV give me only problem on version (lost to change 0.9.3 to 1.0.0-rc1). It is my first MOD, so I can make some mistakes...
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Paul »

Yeah, you are fully right regarding version numbers, and it is not the most ideal situation. The main problem is that when we approve a MOD, we don't want to repackage a MOD (Because the version numbers are in the package) for the version number.
What I personally do, but this is not something official from the MOD team is the next:
I create in MODs in dev a release 1.0.0RC1, and submit at the same moment 1.0.0, which is the same as RC1, except the version number. When that version is denied, I create a 1.0.0RC2, for in MODs in dev, and a new 1.0.0 for submission. While this means you have a duplicate 1.0.0 in the MODDB, this is not a "published" version to the public.
What I have seen as well is that someone submits 1.0.0 first. If that gets denied, he submits 1.0.1, and 1.0.0 is just a non existing version.
There is no good/wrong variant here. The only thing to keep in mind is that there cant be unstable versions in the MODDB (They will be denied), and new versions approved versions need to have a higher version number as the previous approved version.
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Thanks for this great explanation ! I think your way is a better solution but I don't knew I can submit same version more than once (while not accepted), that's why I don't knew how to do.
For the moment, lot of work to split language files and make update.
Create modx fr.xml and update modx xml from RC1 to RC2.

Same problem, when it is accepted by you, I need to make it accepted by french team for the french version, What I need to do if you accept it and french team refused ? ah ah ! :mrgreen:

Make in parallel 2 (RC + stable) version will not very simple to manage with SVN...
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Just an up to say : RC2 is almost ready. But I have some problems with AutoMOD update...
The directory structure archive is unrecognized

If I could not resolve it, no RC2 version.
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by 5hocK »

I did not get that error you posted, I installed RC1 with Automod and then followed the instructions in the contrib folder of RC2 to update to RC2 manually; everything went as it should.
RC2 is still named Introduciator_v1.0.0-RC2..zip (see the double ..) though.
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Arg... It is really a bullshit !!!
Other problem... looking at...
Finally no : update a mod must be done by hand, not done via automod...
RC2 is ok (not the good RC2, just to explain, I'll post a good RC2 later).
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Re: [RC2] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Post final version of 1.0.0 : RC2
Waiting some feedback and submit it into contribution...
I'll hope MOD pre validator will not be angry about my update RC1 to RC2
[ FAIL ] contrib/updates/update_1_0_0-RC1_to_1_0_0-RC2.xml: Your MOD version (1.0.0-rc2) is unstable. It should be higher starting at 1.0.0.
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Re: [RC2] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Jessica »

Gonna test this out ;)
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Re: [RC2] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Jessica »

I think I found some mistakes in your update instructions; apologies if I'm wrong though.

1. memberlist.php - There's only one of $data_introduciator = introduciator_get_user_infos($user_id);; however, in viewtopic.php there are two more of these; am I right in saying I'm supposed to add the ,$username after $user_id in viewtopic as well?

2. Same with S_INTRODUCIATOR_DISPLAY....that is also in viewtopic.php. I added in 'S_INTRODUCIATOR_PENDING' => $data_introduciator['pending'], after it in that file, not just memberlist.php. Otherwise I seem to be getting errors in viewtopic.php. With the Simple Errors MOD they say:

Code: Select all

[PHP Warning]

Missing argument 2 for introduciator_get_user_infos(), called in [ROOT]/viewtopic.php on line 1645 and defined
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Re: [RC2] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Feneck91 »

Thanks for your reply, I think it is cool that someone take time for my MOD.
  1. introduciator_get_user_infos is called only once into memberlist.php that's why only one change is made into update instructions... (if I not make mistake)
  2. I right in saying I'm supposed to add the ,$username after $user_id in viewtopic as well?
    arrrrgggggg !
    YES ! RIGHT !
    I'm sure I have made it!
Looking for all ... and reply here..

EDIT : make a new RC2 version with update up to date... Trying to update with this version it's seem to work fine.
sorry for my mistakes. I'm not at home and modx creation don't work fine here (in my parent's house) (sometime I lost all my work when I try to dowload modifications)

I hope It's good now! Hope I can submit it.
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Re: [RC1] Introduciator 1.0.0

Post by Geolim4 »

Paul wrote:If you want to submit it to the MODDB (I dont know about the French requirements)
They are the same than here, we just additionally check the french language 8-)
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