Login page does not display in correct language

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Login page does not display in correct language

Post by michalkornacki »


sorry if this has been answered already, but I could not find the answer.

I use phpBB3 3.0.12 with Polish language pack. Everything works perfectly but I noticed issue with login page (/forum/ucp.php?mode=login&sid=string_of_numbers) - it will not display in Polish, but in English.

Since the forum is meant for Polish comunity I would like to fix this hindrance. First I thought there is something with language pack, but common.php file does not have listing for login content from this page.

It's like the entire page will not call for Polish locale pace, using deafult English instead.

Any advice where I could search for a fix?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Login page does not display in correct language

Post by michalkornacki »

Issue solved.

Cache would not refresh due to hardware issue. Server reset helped. Sorry for bothering you. Please close this topic.


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