I noticed that as well. If that can't be fixed then it would be best to remove the notification feature out the mod completely, as it pretty useless if not linking directly back to the post.gt1971 wrote:Im having issues, only minor, with it not working correctly with notifications. You get notification someone liked a post but when you click on the link it takes you to the first post in the thread, not the one you were thanked for.
Lucifer4o wrote:It should work as is. It's in beta ... just becouse it is not EPV comaptable.
It gives but I will need to do some testing.Mattix wrote:Hmm, seems the only thing needed is a way to determine what page the post is on (the 'start' parameter). I'm quite surprised phpBB doesn't seem to offer a built-in method to generate a correct url for a given forum, topic and post id.
Digging on.
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