Lucifer4o wrote:I think that the problem comes from the sessions and cookies of the board ...
I will take a look. Could you log me a issue in GitHub if it is not a problem. So I can track it.mrgtb wrote:I don't know what is going on, but after testing the mod again then and ticking options to show LIKES and LIKED in sidebar. It showed 1 of each for me, but when going to settings again and choosing to only show LIKES given in sidebar (not both) - neither gets shown in it.
Hi,zoetrope wrote:Never mind, fixed the problem, and here is the solution for others who encounter it.
When you download the zip the folder is called "postlove-master"
Change this to just "postlove" either before or after you upload to ext/anavaro/
Oh wow, I was just going to recommend this feature and saw that it already exists. I was hovering over the heart hoping to see usernames. But now I get it. Thanks.Lucifer4o wrote:Let me start answering questions one by one:
1. it displays who liked the post - the span's title contains useranames, so if you go with the mouse over the count you will see it.
I will see what can be done for this ... but can't promise you a solution.Giancarlo.Massironi wrote:It looks like I have problems as I am running a bridge with my phpbb install and have a style which is called jprosilver and not just the standard prosilver so when I click on the x I get a corrupted screen
ThanksLucifer4o wrote:I will see what can be done for this ... but can't promise you a solution.Giancarlo.Massironi wrote:It looks like I have problems as I am running a bridge with my phpbb install and have a style which is called jprosilver and not just the standard prosilver so when I click on the x I get a corrupted screen
Please try to copy styles/prosilver to styles/jprosilver