Pony99CA wrote:Skhilled44 wrote:I know quite a few people who shy away from phpBB and other such software because of this. The reasoning is it takes longer for them to get their forum going the way they want because it is a steeper learning curve for them.
Is it really that much steeper. If they install the forum software the preferred way (in other words, not using "one-step installers" that aren't supported), they still have to upload the phpBB files and run the installation process.
If they can do that, I would think that uploading and installing extensions would be a piece of cake.
How much steeper depends on an individual's learning ability. I've been surfing the net for over 25 years and can definitely tell you that we all learn at different paces for different things. Just because you may be highly skilled at one or more things does not mean you understand the fundementals of something else or more easily than someone else. No matter how much we think we know, some things are just harder for some than others. The "preferred" way ("preferred" being a preference which means SOME and definitely not all) may be how some view things but may not be how others view things or can learn them at the same or a more rapid pace.
Some people need things explained to them in a different way or multiple ways before they catch on. People who do understand how a specific thing works tend to forget how hard it may have been for them when they started learning something or how unforgiving people were when they asked questions (called stupid or noob) and they did not understand the way others tried to explain it to them...no matter how kind or unkind they may have been to them.
It does not matter if it is SMF, phpBB, myBB or called mods or extensions, etc. The process in how a user can accomplish their task(s) is usually more important to most people as well as the time it takes to complete it. Making these concepts easier to grasp or complete is what gets people "in the door"...which is half battle. After you get them "in the door" you have more of a chance of talking them into staying for the long haul. If you can't even get them "in the door", the battle is lost or will be lost, eventually...especially from a marketing viewpoint.
That all being said, there are MANY people who are new to computers (yes, barely know how to use a computer), protect themeslves OR just don't know how to FTP or may have poor hosting and have been told to do things the wrong way and these people are trying to learn how to do things we take for granted daily. A lot of them may not know how to use search engines or how to ask the proper questions to get the proper answers they require. I just don't understand why people expect others to know or learn things at the same pace as they do/did or to immediately understand something because it is explained one particular way. I'm sure everyone here does not know EVERYTHING or have learned it as easily as they may have other things.
"One step" installers allow end users to enjoy the software more easily and quickly and then they can learn the inner workings or more detailed things like manual installations at their own pace. They can then create a test site to play/learn with using a copy of the db from their live site (something I've supported for many years) without messing up their live forum and disrupting their users' experience until they learn how to do what they require for their site which makes for a more happier enduser as those who visit their sites.
What I'm saying is not knocking extensions over mods because it is a step forward. I was just wishing that mods/extensions as well as styles would be uploadable via the admin thus being easier for the enduser overall...especially since it is something that was wanted and needed for a long time.