I am really interested in this extensionnextgen wrote:Any news?
Code: Select all
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/rfd/trader/Controller/Trader.php on line 132: Undefined index: short
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/ext/rfd/trader/Controller/Trader.php on line 132: Undefined index: long
end up with display:none;
once the theme becomes smaller, but I can't tell where it's coming from {% if postrow.U_GIVE_FEEDBACK %}
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT -->[/b][/color]
<a class="button" id="post_row_give_feedback" href="{postrow.U_GIVE_FEEDBACK}" title="Give Feedback" id="giveFeedback">
<img style="padding-top: 3px" src="./../../styles/prosilver/theme/images/feedback-icon.png">
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- ENDIF -->[/b][/color]
{% endif %}
{% if postrow.user_trader_rating is defined %}
<dd title="{{ postrow.title }}" class="post_row_feedback_rating">
Trader Score{L_COLON}
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and not S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
{% if postrow.user_trader_percentage %}
({{ postrow.user_trader_percentage }}% Positive)
{% endif %}
<!-- ELSE -->[/b][/color]
<a href="{{ postrow.U_VIEW_FEEDBACK }}">
{% if postrow.user_trader_percentage %}
({{ postrow.user_trader_percentage }}% Positive)
{% endif %}
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- ENDIF -->[/b][/color]
{% endif %}
Nice icon, we will try to merge it in shortly.Volksdevil wrote:I'm not great at this kind of thing, just had a quick look at the css and I see that the<li>
end up withdisplay:none;
once the theme becomes smaller, but I can't tell where it's coming from![]()
Had a quick go at an icon and this is about the best I can come up with, it's shown here with the hover effect.
I can give you the image if you'd like to use it.
Edit: Ive added the icon in a zip file.
Thank you! Will try to follow what you suggestVolksdevil wrote: EDIT2: Oh and I wonder if it's best not to show the icon to guests/bots? I've done it simply by adding <if report> statement like so (In red):
{% if postrow.U_GIVE_FEEDBACK %}
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT -->[/b][/color]
<a class="button" id="post_row_give_feedback" href="{postrow.U_GIVE_FEEDBACK}" title="Give Feedback" id="giveFeedback">
<img style="padding-top: 3px" src="./../../styles/prosilver/theme/images/feedback-icon.png">
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- ENDIF -->[/b][/color]
{% endif %}
EDIT again lol:
I also wonder if best not to have links on viewtopic for bots/guests? Again, changes in red:
{% if postrow.user_trader_rating is defined %}
<dd title="{{ postrow.title }}" class="post_row_feedback_rating">
Trader Score{L_COLON}
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and not S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
{% if postrow.user_trader_percentage %}
({{ postrow.user_trader_percentage }}% Positive)
{% endif %}
<!-- ELSE -->[/b][/color]
<a href="{{ postrow.U_VIEW_FEEDBACK }}">
{% if postrow.user_trader_percentage %}
({{ postrow.user_trader_percentage }}% Positive)
{% endif %}
[color=#FF0000][b]<!-- ENDIF -->[/b][/color]
{% endif %}
Thank you! Code updated with the new icon.Volksdevil wrote: Edit: Ive added the icon in a zip file.