[ABD] Trader extension

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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by cools »

Wondering if there are any plans to create migration scripts from other (older) trader/feedback extensions? I run a forum that's stuck on phpBB 3.0.12 because we make use of the ShMk User Feedback Mod (http://www.riccardobianconi.it/en/phpbb ... -feedback/), and we really don't want to lose the statistics that's currently providing if possible.
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by rfdy »

cools wrote:Wondering if there are any plans to create migration scripts from other (older) trader/feedback extensions? I run a forum that's stuck on phpBB 3.0.12 because we make use of the ShMk User Feedback Mod (http://www.riccardobianconi.it/en/phpbb ... -feedback/), and we really don't want to lose the statistics that's currently providing if possible.
I am sorry to say we do not have any plans to provide migration scripts for old trader extensions, as were were never running one before on a phpbb platform. If someone were to build such a script though we would gladly merge it into our repo.
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by cools »

Fair enough. I've just gone and checked out the table structures and it looks straightforward to convert over, once the extension reaches stable I'll look at it.

I don't like that it touches tables other than its own "trader_" ones though, is there a particular reason for this?
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by rfdy »

cools wrote:Fair enough. I've just gone and checked out the table structures and it looks straightforward to convert over, once the extension reaches stable I'll look at it.

I don't like that it touches tables other than its own "trader_" ones though, is there a particular reason for this?
Yeah, it adds fields to the forums table (to keep track of which type is enabled), topics table (to keep track of which type the topic is), and users table (to keep summary feedback ratings). Isn't that the convention? To add fields as needed. PhpBB doesn't seem to have an issue managing a table with new fields. Storing those details in other tables would complicate things unnecessarily.

I could see the forums table setting being stored elsewhere, but it would be a bit of a performance hit to do so.

We'll be releasing another version of this extension within the next few days, and if there are no reported issues, we'll mark it as stable soon after!

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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by cools »

I've just checked the schema changes docs and you're right. That's the convention, perfectly fine for extensions to touch standard tables. Sigh. Means that authors need to take care they don't use the same field names in tables as other extensions use, which is more difficult than looking for a single extension name (prefix). Or not caring and splattering over anything else that might have been installed previously. Anyway, that's a debate to have another time and place.

Look forward to a stable release :)
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by aeiz »

General Error
Cannot find module ./../includes/acp/\rfd\trader\acp\main_module.php


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 571
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by Raul [ThE KuKa] »

Can you specify what steps done so that this error is displayed please?

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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by tct »

+1 :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Sorry! My English is not good!!!
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by rfdy »

Just posted an update to github. There might (probably :) ) be still some bugs in there, but it should have a lot of features that people were asking for. Here are the release notes:

* fixed feedback replies so only the related parties can see the reply to feedback button
* added view and post feedback user permissions
* redesigned how private comments are displayed on the Trader Feedback page
* last editor of a feedback is now shown in the edit history
* fixed behaviour/crashes in the MCP where report details tabs were being shown incorrectly
* closing and deleting feedback reports now correctly mimics phpBB behaviour
* closing/deleting feedback reports in the MCP now shows up in the moderator log
* when creating a topic in a forum with only one BST option, the option is now shown
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by rfdy »

aeiz wrote:General Error
Cannot find module ./../includes/acp/\rfd\trader\acp\main_module.php


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 571
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Please try installing the latest update on the stable version of phpbb
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by rfdy »

nextgen wrote:Any news?
An update has been posted, it should be usable and we feel it can be deployed on a production forums. Bugs will be fixed as they are discovered :)

Thanks for waiting!
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by Mattix »

Seems to work well on first testing!

One thing: It would be awesome if the frontend strings were translatable as well.

I can easily edit the files to translate it, but that excludes me from future updates :)
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by Volksdevil »

Hi mate, few questions etc.

Just updated this and when I click 'Recalculate trader ratings' I get:
Cannot find module ./../includes/acp/\rfd\trader\acp\main_module.php


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 571
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Where are the permissions for giving/viewing feedback? EDIT: OK, I had to delete date then re-enable the extension, now I see permissions that are already set at group permissions. :)

When feedback is deleted, who can still see it? And how can we remove it completely?

Lastly, before the update I made some changes. They were to remove the tags such as [FS] and [WTB] from all of the pages (Viewforum, viewtopic, new topic) before I look at removing those again, would it be possible to have some sort of switch? EDIT: No worries about this if it's too much hassle, I just edited the new updated files to remove the tags etc.

Great work on this either way. 8-)
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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by rfdy »

We seem to have lost the recalculate page somehow, but the code to actually do it should be in there somewhere. We'll need to revisit this functionality and decide what to do.

If you can create a patch on making the tags optional, I don't see why we wouldn't include it.

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Re: [BETA] Trader extension

Post by Volksdevil »

OK, Thanks mate. I'm not up to speed on coding extensions, I literally just commented out a few bits here and there :oops: But I may have a look :)

Also, forgive me if you've already covered this, but are Notifications possible?
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