"name": "vendorname/extensionname",
Code: Select all
not allowed where? in phpbb? certainly that is not true in general for file/folder names. underscores are usually the preferred way to handle what would normally be a space.david63 wrote:... but underscores are not allowed in folder/namespace names - so there will always be a possibility of errors due to that.
<vendor> is the author or group of authors of the extension. Note that vendor and extension directory names may ONLY contain numbers and letters. Underscores, dashes, and other characters are NOT permitted. It is perfectly fine to have an extension named iamanextension.
His problem is most likely not related to the underscore issue. We just stated it for future reference and the extension author, so that it will be changed (it won't be validated and accepted into the DB if it isn't changed).Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:curious if the underscore is not allowed , why did it work for the poster above?
From what i have picked up along the way I think that the underscore will work sometimes but there are some sets of circumstances (no idea what) where, when using Symfony, it causes things to "break" therefore safer to not use them.Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:curious if the underscore is not allowed , why did it work for the poster above