Greek translation: Minor mistakes

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Greek translation: Minor mistakes

Post by HardcoreGR »

The subtitle says
"Αυτό είναι ένα κείμενο που θα προστίθεται στις δημοσιεύσει σας. Επιτρέπονται έως 999 χαρακτήρες."

The correct is:
"Αυτό είναι ένα κείμενο που θα προστίθεται στις δημοσίευσή σας. Επιτρέπονται έως 999 χαρακτήρες."

The spelling mistake is terrible. Who handled the greek translation?

Iam a journalist with 10 years of experience, plus I have handled the translations of JomSocial, Top Eleven Facebook game, JFBConnect and other components. I can help if you wish.

My question here of course is how can I fix this spelling mistake (which file stores these info).

Thank you.
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Last edited by HardcoreGR on Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greek translation: Terrible spelling mistake

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

you would need to find which language file it is in.

language/gr ( or whatever the greek language folder is named )

then find the language file that has that text in it and correct it.

you must NOT use anything but a good text editor to open/edit these files.

you must only edit what is to the right of the => and in between the single quotes.

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Re: Greek translation: Terrible spelling mistake

Post by MakisH »

Read carefully, your suggestion is not correct either. The translation does not have a spelling error, it has a typo. It needs an "-ς" to make it "δημοσιεύσεις". However, I don't like this phrase, so in my forum I have made it "Αυτό το κείμενο θα εμφανίζεται στο κάτω μέρος των δημοσιεύσεών σας. Επιτρέπονται έως %d χαρακτήρες.".

Nevermind. To change it however you want it:
1. Connect to your forum using an FTP client (like Filezilla)
2. Navigate to (phpBB installation directory)/language/el
3. Open the file "ucp.php" with a text editor (like notepad++)
5. Replace the text next to it as you want. Don't forget that every line must end with a comma.
6. Save the file to upload it back to the server.

The greek language pack was developed by the community, but the site is down. Try to contact the author of the greek language pack published here to report the error.

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Re: Greek translation: Terrible spelling mistake

Post by HardcoreGR »

Ok thanks ρε Μάκη. ;)

And how can I change the "Congratulations" to birthdays?

This should be "Χρόνια Πολλά στους" but it's not included in the udp file if I saw correctly.
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Re: Greek translation: Minor mistakes

Post by KevC »

It's in the language common.php file.
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