Find in aero black/theme/overwrite.cssChappen wrote:Background image problem in aero Black, Works in aero & Prosilver, not work in aero black or other colors
Have installed the ext. called Background Forum...
By adding a 'picture with name background.jpg in your forum root/ext/alex75/background/styles/prosilver/theme/background.jpg will be displayed as the background of your forum.
Plz Help
Code: Select all
body {
background: #DFDFDF url("./images/bg_black.gif") repeat-x !important;
Code: Select all
No route found for "GET /styles/aero%20black/theme/images/icon_faq.gif"
I believe this was fixed in the latest version.John connor wrote:Hi, can you answer my question here? viewtopic.php?f=466&t=2354801&p=14323541#p14323541
Is there a possible fix?
Im not sure... it would be wise to update though as it has security updates...John connor wrote:I'm still using 3.1.6. Will the latest version work with my board?
Works fine on my test board.silberfuchs wrote:Hi,
I currently do have the issue that the link for "" is twice available in the footer navbar. This is only the case using the aero style. Could you please support me where do check?
Thanks for your support!