here the French language pack for Welcome On Index extension, available here.
Last edited by Galixte de EzCom on Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
CommunautéEzCom « Traductions d’extensions & styles pour phpBB 3.2.x & 3.3.x ». Lists of all extensions identified for phpBB 3.1.x & 3.2.x. Lists of all styles identified for phpBB 3.1.x & 3.2.x. Tu as un forum et tu veux aussi un site web ? Regarde par ici.
I have installed this, alone this show on the right side under ''Recent Topics'' i use the pbwow3_wildstar style.
How can i this set under the boardannouncements?
Got the same PBWow Style like yours at my board and it appears under recent topics like your did. But the strange thing is, there is an announcement extension I got and this places everything correct where it should be. The only thing is to figure out how the announcements got placed inside the top of everything and the problem would be solved, A lot of extensions place their index part only under recents posts extension and not over the fully wide.
I somebody got board announcement ext installed he maybe can figure out how to place this and other ext direct under it.
Isn't there any guest avatar displayed while logged out ?
Got it modified working for my PBWoW Style and made some translations to German. Just one thing remain how to move the extension up to be shown first and after the recent topics. My recent topics appear first at the moment and the welcome message (without guest avatar) only after it.