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RenameMiri4ever wrote:My recent topic are display over the welcome message. But I tink that not as good and I want to switch position that my welcome text appear first and then my recent topics. I trhink both using the same HTML for display, so my question how to priorize them that welcome is display first and second display is recent topics.
maybe so, however, just today I did the same thing for a different extension and had to disable the extension and delete data before it would quit trying to look for the file with the old name. I got errors saying it couldn't find that file. once I disabled and deleted the data, it worked just fine.Galixte de EzCom wrote:Hi,
not at all, only refresh the cache.
Why? You allready have all those info in the forum index.KhurramMunawar wrote:it would be nice if you allow some more options to display on.
link to ACP, UCP, MCP, Birthdays, Newest Member and similar.
No, that would be in the language file.KhurramMunawar wrote:Yes i agree but it would be more convenient for the user to get them on top and in order.
ps' Is it possible to edit the User welcome message in ACP.