now i have succesfully convert my mybb board to phpbb.
In the past i have many problems with the converter like all other users here.
i think the problem ist the script time out.
my hoster has a time-out from 120 seconds, and this is not enough to start the converting.
My first solution was to ask the hoster for more script time.
but they say no.
My second solution was to bring the board on my pc.
There are many manuals in the www, how you can install php, mysql and all the tools to install a board on a windows pc.
But it is a lot of time, and so this solutions dies after a few month.
Since we have a big board with many user and pictures, the storage was full, and i have to switch to a bigger hosting package.
in this package there was a faster cpu included.
So i make a new Start with my mybb Board version 1.8.14
And now it works.
I use the converter from this Thread and the latest stable 3.1.12 board in german.
When i start the conversion, i get many time-outs and errors. but i use the go back button in the browser and start the convert many times.
after a few times i get the messeage, that the process is in step 2 from 37.
and after a few time-outs, go backs and error messages the converting was finished.
i loged in the board, delete the old mybb groups, give the new build-in groups the rights to the boards, and everything works fine.
i thought, there must be problems, but everything works fine.
After this step, i use this german manual to upgrade to 3.2.2:
https://www.phpbb.de/community/viewtopi ... 5&t=238607
The upgade works without problems, and now the forum in online and the user happy.