[RC4] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.10)

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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Zoker »

Difadon wrote:I have one problem with extension Lightbox in this style.
ComBoot includes a own lightbox, so you actually don`t need a extension for that.
Could you please describe the issue? I can`t identify any issue on the screenshot.
Difadon wrote: Next problem with extension Board Announcements. Not working with you style (no showing).
I will have a look and let you know!
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Difadon »

But i need Lightbox with resize image. :) It´s posiblle with your Lightbox?

Screenshot: Look http://forum.czapp.cz/. Down is opened lightbox, but no image. It is still open.
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Zoker »

Difadon wrote:But i need Lightbox with resize image. :) It´s posiblle with your Lightbox?

It`s the exact same lightbox script (http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/) ;)

Difadon wrote:Screenshot: Look http://forum.czapp.cz/. Down is opened lightbox, but no image. It is still open.
The issue is, that both use the same script. So the script only hides one of the two "overlays" (first it finds).
So just disable the lightbox extension and everything should work fine. :)
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Difadon »

ook, how i can activate your ligthbox? Automatically? Because a need this. Add image to post. Height and with of image is 600px. Because is very big, lightbox show images 200px x 200px and after click on image show fullsize image. It´s posiblle with you lightbox?
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Zoker »

Yes it`s automatically active (it`s already on your page).
Just try it and tell me if you have any issue or if anything is different than the extension.

It`s the complete same script :)
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Difadon »

ook, afternoon i send you a pm. :)
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Difadon »

Zoker wrote:Yes it`s automatically active (it`s already on your page).
Just try it and tell me if you have any issue or if anything is different than the extension.

It`s the complete same script :)
Look to this URL http://forum.czapp.cz/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1&p=2#p2. It´s fresh install. Nothing extension. I add image to post (use bbcode img). Picture is very big and not interactive with lightbox. I need small image and after you click on image you can seee full image in ligthbox. Maybe is better, you don´t use lightbox, but integrate finish extension?
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Zoker »

Yes, I see.
At least it does not work, because the image is wrapped by a link. But`s very easy to fix it.
I`ll push the fix today.

I think its better, to have this simple script inside the theme, than having to install a extra extension.
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Difadon »

ook, if you fix this. :)
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Difadon »

Again, I have a question. :D

You style created in blue color. How i can change color to another color?
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Zoker »

Difadon wrote:ook, if you fix this. :)
I will have the fix ready within 2-3 days.
Difadon wrote:Again, I have a question. :D

You style created in blue color. How i can change color to another color?
Just replace the bootstrap file with any other bootstrap theme (e.g some of here: https://bootswatch.com/)
Here is a demo: http://demo.comboot.io/3.1/?theme=paper
(just replace "paper" with any other name of a bootswatch theme)
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Kirk_Fitzgerald »

Heya Zoker, I just downloaded the stable 1.0 version and uploaded to my server but when I went to install the style I got a message saying "No uninstalled styles detected".

I checked on your support site and the page you linked to for your answer to a member there goes to a not found error page!

Perhaps I need to alter something, the folder unzips as named
yet the style.cfg has the style name as
name = ComBoot Free

** edit **
My error, didn't pay enough attention and failed to notice the bit about the closed Beta.
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Kirk_Fitzgerald »

@Zoker, had a few moments free this morning and after reading a comment regarding the site_logo file I made a slight variation on your original image, made it better suit the style and also added a mild hint of phpBB with the font used.

In case it is wanted by yourself or any one else I have included the .psd file so folk can make their own alterations.
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.6)

Post by Mess »

Very nice Kirk, does the style much more justice.
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Re: [Beta] ComBoot 1.0 - The Professional Bootstrap phpBB Theme (3.1.7)

Post by SalazarAG »

hi Zocker
Can you help me? The extent Recent Topics does not work properly in style. I think it's something with CSS that needs to be adapted, but I can not, I'm noob to this. Can you help me?

The content that needs to be adapted is this:


Code: Select all

<a id="recent_topics"></a>
<!-- IF .pagination -->
<div class="action-bar">
	<div class="pagination">
		<!-- INCLUDE pagination.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGIN recent_topics -->
	<!-- IF not recent_topics.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH and not recent_topics.S_FIRST_ROW -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF recent_topics.S_FIRST_ROW or not recent_topics.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH -->
	<div class="forumbg recent-topics">
		<div class="inner">
		<ul class="topiclist">
			<li class="header">
				<dl class="icon">
					<dt><div class="list-inner">{L_RECENT_TOPICS}</div></dt>
					<dd class="posts">{L_REPLIES}</dd>
					<dd class="views">{L_VIEWS}</dd>
					<dd class="lastpost"><span>{L_LAST_POST}</span></dd>
		<ul class="topiclist topics">
	<!-- ENDIF -->

		<li class="row<!-- IF recent_topics.S_ROW_COUNT is even --> bg1<!-- ELSE --> bg2<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF recent_topics.S_POST_GLOBAL --> global-announce<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF recent_topics.S_POST_ANNOUNCE --> announce<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF recent_topics.S_POST_STICKY --> sticky<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF recent_topics.S_TOPIC_REPORTED --> reported<!-- ENDIF -->">
			<dl class="icon {recent_topics.TOPIC_IMG_STYLE}">
				<dt<!-- IF recent_topics.TOPIC_ICON_IMG and S_TOPIC_ICONS --> style="background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{recent_topics.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;"<!-- ENDIF --> title="{recent_topics.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}">
					<!-- IF recent_topics.S_UNREAD_TOPIC and not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{recent_topics.U_NEWEST_POST}" class="icon-link"></a><!-- ENDIF -->
					<div class="list-inner">
						<!-- EVENT topiclist_row_prepend -->
						<!-- IF recent_topics.S_UNREAD_TOPIC and not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{recent_topics.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{recent_topics.TOPIC_TITLE}</a> <!-- IF recent_topics.ATTACH_ICON_IMG -->{recent_topics.ATTACH_ICON_IMG}<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF recent_topics.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or recent_topics.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED --><a href="{recent_topics.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{recent_topics.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF recent_topics.S_TOPIC_DELETED --><a href="{recent_topics.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{recent_topics.DELETED_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF recent_topics.S_TOPIC_REPORTED --><a href="{recent_topics.U_MCP_REPORT}">{recent_topics.REPORTED_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --><br />

						<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
						<div class="responsive-show" style="display: none;">
							{L_LAST_POST} {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {recent_topics.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL} &laquo; <a href="{recent_topics.U_LAST_POST}" title="{L_GOTO_LAST_POST}">{recent_topics.LAST_POST_TIME}</a>
							<!-- IF recent_topics.S_POST_GLOBAL and FORUM_ID != recent_topics.FORUM_ID --><br />{L_POSTED} {L_IN} <a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{recent_topics.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF recent_topics.REPLIES --><span class="responsive-show left-box" style="display: none;">{L_REPLIES}{L_COLON} <strong>{recent_topics.REPLIES}</strong></span><!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->

						<!-- IF .recent_topics.pagination -->
						<div class="pagination">
							<!-- BEGIN pagination -->
								<!-- IF recent_topics.pagination.S_IS_PREV -->
								<!-- ELSEIF recent_topics.pagination.S_IS_CURRENT --><li class="active"><span>{recent_topics.pagination.PAGE_NUMBER}</span></li>
								<!-- ELSEIF recent_topics.pagination.S_IS_ELLIPSIS --><li class="ellipsis"><span>{L_ELLIPSIS}</span></li>
								<!-- ELSEIF recent_topics.pagination.S_IS_NEXT -->
								<!-- ELSE --><li><a href="{recent_topics.pagination.PAGE_URL}">{recent_topics.pagination.PAGE_NUMBER}</a></li>
								<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- END pagination -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->

						<div class="responsive-hide">
							<!-- IF recent_topics.S_HAS_POLL -->{POLL_IMG} <!-- ENDIF -->
							{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {recent_topics.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL} &raquo; {recent_topics.FIRST_POST_TIME}
							<!-- IF recent_topics.S_POST_GLOBAL and FORUM_ID != recent_topics.FORUM_ID --> &raquo; {L_IN} <a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{recent_topics.FORUM_NAME}</a>
							<!-- ELSEIF recent_topics.U_VIEW_FORUM and recent_topics.FORUM_NAME --> &raquo; {L_IN} <!-- BEGIN parent_forums --><a href="{recent_topics.parent_forums.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{recent_topics.parent_forums.FORUM_NAME}</a> &raquo; <!-- END parent_forums --><a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{recent_topics.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- ENDIF -->

						<!-- EVENT topiclist_row_append -->
				<dd class="posts">{recent_topics.REPLIES} <dfn>{L_REPLIES}</dfn></dd>
				<dd class="views">{recent_topics.VIEWS} <dfn>{L_VIEWS}</dfn></dd>
				<dd class="lastpost"><span><dfn>{L_LAST_POST} </dfn>{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {recent_topics.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
					<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{recent_topics.U_LAST_POST}" title="{L_GOTO_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><br />{recent_topics.LAST_POST_TIME}</span>

	<!-- IF recent_topics.S_LAST_ROW -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<div class="panel">
		<div class="inner">
<!-- END recent_topics -->
I'm sorry for my English. Google Translator does a bad job. :D

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