For style authors to post and receive feedback on 3.0.x styles still in development. Any development styles you wish to use on your live board should be installed with caution!
- W3C Valid HTML5
- 99% redesigned
- New User Profile view
- Socialnetwork links on sidebar
- Advertisment on sidebar
- Fixed Layout
- Documentation
- Free Support for changes / errors / etc..
- Free MODification's for this style
- SVG Imageset / images / icons
Working on right now:
- Socialnetwork links direct to change the link in ACP, Zaroon MOD.
- Cookie jquery for the dark version (Simple edit the style on footer when someone press on Black/White color.)
- Responsive [30%]
- Convert to 3.1.x [0%]
wow, its very goodlook style. whether it has been validated? i want to use it
Last edited by Arty on Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:removed excessive quoting. please do not quote whole first post to add just one line
messikecil wrote:not release yet, where is the zaroon style?
Uploaded the new links. Direct download
and works with 3.0.14
i am used your style, thanks
i want to ask, i read intallation guide and you say that there are need to edit some php files, what the diffrent between im edit it and not, because after im installed it on acp but not edit some php file as you said the board it look ok except the loading a little weight
aldink wrote:for example if you edit the functions.php - your name and avatar will show you on header.
the language file to edit - (if you don't edit the common.php file on the right you will see double: total posts, total topics, total members... etc..
Really like the design, but if there's one thing I've learnt that is the most important thing when designing a theme is consistency and I hope you don't mind I found a few inconsistencies which could turn this good theme into a great theme!
- The search bar is 1px higher than the logout and options menu
- The logout, menu options, search input, search button vary in height
- The Header bar and footer bar have different PX spacing
With this said maybe these minor issues have been corrected, can't tell since your DEMO link displays a different theme. Also, you could upload it to Github and have people contribute to your updates, I certainly would have made a contribution to your GIT.