There are one or two extensions in the database to deal with that and keep it running.zag2me wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:42 am Been getting loads of these myself from something called xrummer spamming software.
Solution is to turn this feature off:
ACP (Admin control panel) > Contact page settings > Enable contact page > Disabled.
Doing that only hides the Contact Us "icon" not being displayed to guests. But if they know the page address they can still access it and send emails as guests. I know this is an old post, but just saying so others don't think this actually works.Musoguy wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:28 pm I know this thread is a little old now, but just had the same issue and am posting in case my fix can help anyone else using 3.1. My theme is based on prosilver and the navbar_footer.html was unchanged so found in the prosilver folder
Open Style -> prosilver -> template -> navbar_footer.html
Find:Replace it with:Code: Select all
<!-- IF U_CONTACT_US --><li class="small-icon icon-contact rightside" data-last-responsive="true"><a href="{U_CONTACT_US}" role="menuitem">{L_CONTACT_US}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
Purge the cache. Now the contact admin link will only show up once a user has logged in. I'm sure there are more eloquent ways to do this, but this worked for meCode: Select all
<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> <!-- IF U_CONTACT_US --><li class="small-icon icon-contact rightside" data-last-responsive="true"><a href="{U_CONTACT_US}" role="menuitem">{L_CONTACT_US}</a></li><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
<!-- IF U_CONTACT_US and not S_IS_BOT and S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><li class="small-icon icon-contact rightside" data-last-responsive="true"><a href="{U_CONTACT_US}" role="menuitem">{L_CONTACT_US}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
I'm aware of the extensions offered, but this is something due to GDPR now that should be corrected really with the Contact Us form in the Core product. I'm not moaning about it, just giving my view on it. You can't always rely on 3rd party mods, they may not always be suported to work with future release versions of phpBBcanonknipser wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:04 pm Try ... contact_us
or ... act_admin/
Please show me where in the GDPR regulations it says that a "casual visitor" to any site must have a "Contact Us" form - for members of a site who have input personal data I would agree and there are enough other ways for members of a site to make contact with the site/board Admin without the need of a Contact Us form, which incidentally could go to any number of people.mrgtb wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:53 pm Well to be fair, since GDPR came along. Euro users are now supposed to display a Contact Us point on their sites.
Yeah, I know what you mean in that. Since this GDRP came along. Now both NameCheap and GoDaddy (I think it is) are since offering free lifetime WhoIs Protection on domains. While GDRP seem to now say that site owners have to list their address details on a Privacy Policy page as part of the contact information. They refer to site owners as being "Operators" of a site.KYPREO wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:44 am Ironically, because of GDPR there is often now no way of getting a tech contact email address for a website since the WHOIS data is subject to mandatory blocking.
I’ve not seen that one and will state categorically I won’t be doing it.mrgtb wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:10 amWhile GDRP seem to now say that site owners have to list their address details on a Privacy Policy page as part of the contact information. They refer to site owners as being "Operators" of a site