vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

The first one looks like this in the db

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `dbk_post` (`postid`, `threadid`, `parentid`, `username`, `userid`, `title`, `dateline`, `pagetext`, `allowsmilie`, `showsignature`, `ipaddress`, `iconid`, `visible`, `attach`, `infraction`, `reportthreadid`) VALUES
(415749, 3887, 415748, 'Sjimmie', 1838, '', 1418080181, '[url]https://www.facebook.com/dchopmans/posts/320008164758841[/url]', 1, 0, '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);

The second one (signature) is

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `dbk_sigparsed` (`userid`, `styleid`, `languageid`, `signatureparsed`, `hasimages`) VALUES
(271, 4, 4, '[img]https://static.dyp.im/sDWs1TzKAF/2e956b01465f8d455c47ad261c8dac6f.png[/img]<br />\nGroetjes van Jackie  <br />\n<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsWepd-QJ2o9dG5zMFJfSXJNMC1LelpLRE5GQWdZLXc&hl=en_US#gid=2" target="_blank">Minou''s Caninsulin waardes</a><br />\n<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsWepd-QJ2o9dGc1MWlDTkUyVV9MN241aGdXNlZuTHc" target="_blank">Minou''s Sheet</a><br />\n<br />\n<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackiep25/" target="_blank">http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackiep25/</a>', 1);
It looks like *all* external links anywhere in the forum are "corrupted" into something like:**;//**; ... jackiep25/

What I notice:
The thing is insert wrongly. They are *asbolute* links, not relative.
The http: of the original link is replaced by **;
The www in the original link is replaed by **;
The flickr in the original link is replaed by **;

Could it be something with censored words or something?

Thanks for fixing the other issues, I will try another conversion in a couple of hours.

Where should the picutres end up after migration?
Do I need to install the phpbb gallery extension first (or after the migration, or not at all)?


EDIT: Just saw the commit and it looks like I can derive the picture location from there.
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Name: Fred Q

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

opperpanter wrote:
It looks like *all* external links anywhere in the forum are "corrupted" into something like:**;//**; ... jackiep25/

What I notice:
The thing is insert wrongly. They are *asbolute* links, not relative.
The http: of the original link is replaced by **;
The www in the original link is replaed by **;
The flickr in the original link is replaed by **;

Could it be something with censored words or something?
It could be somehow. Do you have any? (in vBulletin or in phpBB now?).
Are all the special characters displaying in posts? (I mean the non-ASCII characters)
opperpanter wrote: Do I need to install the phpbb gallery extension first (or after the migration, or not at all)?
I used to install it afterwards. I suppose It could work if you install it first but I haven't tried, so better to install it after. Make sure you change all the permission settings after you installed the extension as there's no permission by default (well, at least on the Beta version just now)
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

When I look at the code of the phpbb converter framework, it seems to be parsing the urls:

Code: Select all

// Default URL of the old board
// @todo Are we going to use this for attempting to convert URL references in posts, or should we remove it?
// -> We should convert old urls to the new relative urls format
// $src_url = request_var('src_url', 'Not in use at the moment');
// strip trailing slash from old forum path
Might be something is going wrong there, as it seems to think external urls are to be converted to internal urls.
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

vBulletin censorship options:

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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Hi again,

The new version crashed:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'diabeteskatten_.user' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT album.albumid, album.title, album.createdate, album.description, album.userid, album.visible, album.lastpicturedate, album.state FROM dbk_album album WHERE (album.userid IN (SELECT userid FROM user)) ORDER BY album.albumid LIMIT 2000


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 855
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 194
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysql_base.php
LINE: 45
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 261
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysql_base->_sql_query_limit()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1263
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_query_limit()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 214
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 409
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 289
CALL: module->load()
Looks like a similar problem to the bbcode thing with the prefix?

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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Just noticed the corrupted urls in phpbb are in the following format in the database:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `phpbb_posts` (`post_id`, `topic_id`, `forum_id`, `poster_id`, `icon_id`, `poster_ip`, `post_time`, `post_reported`, `enable_bbcode`, `enable_smilies`, `enable_magic_url`, `enable_sig`, `post_username`, `post_subject`, `post_text`, `post_checksum`, `post_attachment`, `bbcode_bitfield`, `bbcode_uid`, `post_postcount`, `post_edit_time`, `post_edit_reason`, `post_edit_user`, `post_edit_count`, `post_edit_locked`, `post_visibility`, `post_delete_time`, `post_delete_reason`, `post_delete_user`) VALUES
(415749, 3887, 11, 1838, 0, '', 1418080181, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 'Sjimmie', '', '[url:2jdddtqq]https&#58;//www&#46;facebook&#46;com/dchopmans/posts/320008164758841[/url:2jdddtqq]', '', 0, 'EA==', '2jdddtqq', 1, 1418080888, '', 1838, 2, 0, 1, 0, '', 0);

What's the "url:2jdddtqq" tag about?
The url itself looks like an (html) encoding issue.
Are you doing anything with encoding/escaping?
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Your vb_prepare_message is messing things up :)

I added some log statements to log input and output for that function:

Code: Select all

13/03/2015 22:00:06 - vb_prepare_message():  input message Bericht: [url=http://www.diabeteskatten.nl/forum/showthread.php?p=92]Hallo[/url]
Gebruiker: [url=http://www.diabeteskatten.nl/forum/member.php?u=13]Claudia[/url]
13/03/2015 22:00:06 - vb_prepare_message(): BBcode URL/ converted to url/
13/03/2015 22:00:06 - vb_prepare_message(): output message Bericht: [url=http&#58;//www&#46;diabeteskatten&#46;nl/forum/showthread&#46;php?p=92:3l68qqr6]Hallo[/url:3l68qqr6]
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

It's this statement

Code: Select all

        $message_parser->parse($enable_bbcode, $enable_magic_url, $enable_smilies);

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Name: Fred Q

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

Ouch. I'll fix the user table. Well spotted.

About the funny BBcode [url:xxx] it's how phpBB deal with them, it's needed (the function to transform them is an internal phpBB function).

What bothers me is why the : and the . are transformed. It looks like an output of the function htmlentities. But these characters don't need their html equivalent :?

I'll have a look. Thanks for your help
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Just tried a conversion after your latest commit (so from master).

Two problems:


During the migration I'm getting about 100 errors about a post being to short:

Code: Select all

functions_vb3.php [ 873 ]:
    Post ID: Message parser error:

    Your message contains too few characters.
I added some log statements and the post do have content, but after parsing, the content disappears.
The conversion does continue, but it looks like it is skipping these posts that are triggering the error.

Example row that is triggering the error:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `dbk_post` (`postid`, `threadid`, `parentid`, `username`, `userid`, `title`, `dateline`, `pagetext`, `allowsmilie`, `showsignature`, `ipaddress`, `iconid`, `visible`, `attach`, `infraction`, `reportthreadid`) VALUES
(62466, 252, 62465, 'mosje', 32, '', 1251790238, 'wat een nachtelijke avonturen hier weer! Gelukkig heeft Lucky het goed doorstaan. Marielou en jij zullen wel geradbraakt zijn - maar ach, dat komt ook wel weer goed hè.', 1, 1, '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
I don't get this error with your version from yesterday.
If I use your new version, but force functions_vb3.php to use ISO-8859-1, the errors/warnings dissappear.


Finally the conversion crashes with an error:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Incorrect string value: '\xE9's, s...' for column 'pf_interesses' at row 3 [1366]



FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 855
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 194
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 650
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_vb3.php
LINE: 2470
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_multi_insert()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1688) : eval()'d code
CALL: vb_convert_profile_custom_fields()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1688
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 823
CALL: install_convert->jump()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 214
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 409
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 289
CALL: module->load()
Looks like some invalid characters somewhere, might be caused by the code changes around retrieving the vbulltein encoding? I tried to find which db table and row is causing the problem, but I can't find anything related to column 'pf_interesses'.

charset in vbulletin is utf-8:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `dbk_language` (`languageid`, `title`, `userselect`, `options`, `languagecode`, `charset`, `imagesoverride`, `dateoverride`, `timeoverride`, `registereddateoverride`, `calformat1override`, `calformat2override`, `logdateoverride`, `locale`, `decimalsep`, `thousandsep`, `phrasegroup_global`, `phrasegroup_cpglobal`, `phrasegroup_cppermission`, `phrasegroup_forum`, `phrasegroup_calendar`, `phrasegroup_attachment_image`, `phrasegroup_style`, `phrasegroup_logging`, `phrasegroup_cphome`, `phrasegroup_promotion`, `phrasegroup_user`, `phrasegroup_help_faq`, `phrasegroup_sql`, `phrasegroup_subscription`, `phrasegroup_language`, `phrasegroup_bbcode`, `phrasegroup_stats`, `phrasegroup_diagnostic`, `phrasegroup_maintenance`, `phrasegroup_profilefield`, `phrasegroup_thread`, `phrasegroup_timezone`, `phrasegroup_banning`, `phrasegroup_reputation`, `phrasegroup_wol`, `phrasegroup_threadmanage`, `phrasegroup_pm`, `phrasegroup_cpuser`, `phrasegroup_accessmask`, `phrasegroup_cron`, `phrasegroup_moderator`, `phrasegroup_cpoption`, `phrasegroup_cprank`, `phrasegroup_cpusergroup`, `phrasegroup_holiday`, `phrasegroup_posting`, `phrasegroup_poll`, `phrasegroup_fronthelp`, `phrasegroup_register`, `phrasegroup_search`, `phrasegroup_showthread`, `phrasegroup_postbit`, `phrasegroup_forumdisplay`, `phrasegroup_messaging`, `phrasegroup_inlinemod`, `phrasegroup_plugins`, `phrasegroup_cprofilefield`, `phrasegroup_reputationlevel`, `phrasegroup_infraction`, `phrasegroup_infractionlevel`, `phrasegroup_notice`, `phrasegroup_prefix`, `phrasegroup_prefixadmin`, `phrasegroup_album`, `phrasegroup_socialgroups`) VALUES
(4, 'Nederlands', 1, 1, 'en', 'utf-8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ',', '.', ........
With charset forced to ISO-8859-1, this error also dissappears.
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Turns out my hosting company only offers *one* mysql database.
Looks like I can just install phpbb on the same database as vbulletin, as the prefix is different?
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Name: Fred Q

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

Yes, I do have issues with default character encoding. This is a nightmare. There are hundreds of combinations (database encoding <-> server encoding <-> client encoding <-> string encoding). I'll try to sort that out.

About the one database only I'm going to try it, because I never did yet. But you're right, they all have a different prefix so the tables won't clash. Now see if the code can handle it :roll:
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

DO you have an idea about when you may have time to fix the tableprefix thing?
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Did another conversion today, in preparation of my real migration.

Where in the past the avatars where converted OK, now they are no longer converted correctly it seems.

There are some jpgs created in the images/avatars/upload folder.

Here's a subset:

Code: Select all

Profiles aren't shown in phpbb however. If I look in the users table of phpbb, I see that users have avataar filenames like:

Code: Select all

Looks like ce78d3bb6af2bfe4d57a05f4f8fd99b0 as generic salt for all profiles, so that is prepended when phpbb load them? What's missing seems to be the timestamp after the userid?


EDIT: Damn! Seemed to be a caching issue. After restarting my browser it started working!

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