vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by msibm »

FredQ wrote:Yes, I do have issues with default character encoding. This is a nightmare. There are hundreds of combinations (database encoding <-> server encoding <-> client encoding <-> string encoding). I'll try to sort that out.
It's really a big problem for the forum not used the default encoding. :evil:
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Name: Fred Q

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

Damn! Seemed to be a caching issue. After restarting my browser it started working!
Also, before re-running a conversion, it's better to remove all the files from the /files folder.

I'm very busy right now, I'll let you know when I supposedly fixed the charsert issues.
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by Ñako! »

Hello there. I was trying this convertor on a vB 3.8.7 to phpbb 3.1.12 on a Godaddy shared linux server and I get the following error:

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Incorrect string value: '\xEDcula/...' for column 'bbcode_helpline' at row 1 [1366]


INSERT INTO phpbb_bbcodes (bbcode_tag, bbcode_match, bbcode_tpl, display_on_posting, bbcode_helpline, first_pass_match, first_pass_replace, second_pass_match, second_pass_replace, bbcode_id) VALUES ('spoiler', '[spoiler]{TEXT}[/spoiler]', '<div style=\"margin:0px 0px 0px 0px\">\r\n<div class=\"smallfont\" style=\"margin-bottom:0px\">\r\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"zOMG Spoiler\" style=\"width:75px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\" onclick=\"if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display != \'\') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'\';this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'Mis ojos!\'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'none\'; this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'Mostrar\'; }\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px inset;\">\r\n<div style=\"display: none;\">\r\n{TEXT}\r\n</div>\r\n</div>', '1', 'Evita que seas una mierda y le cagues el final del libro/pel�cula/juego a tu pr�jimo. Tambien sirve para meter imagenes grandes sin joder a los dem�s. :)', '!\\[spoiler\\](.*?)\\[/spoiler\\]!ies', '\'[spoiler:$uid]\'.str_replace(array(\"\\r\\n\", \'\\\"\', \'\\\'\', \'(\', \')\'), array(\"\\n\", \'\"\', \''\', \'&#40;\', \'&#41;\'), trim(\'${1}\')).\'[/spoiler:$uid]\'', '!\\[spoiler:$uid\\](.*?)\\[/spoiler:$uid\\]!s', '<div style=\"margin:0px 0px 0px 0px\">\r\n<div class=\"smallfont\" style=\"margin-bottom:0px\">\r\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"zOMG Spoiler\" style=\"width:75px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\" onclick=\"if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display != \'\') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'\';this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'Mis ojos!\'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'none\'; this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'Mostrar\'; }\">\r\n</div>\r\n<div style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px inset;\">\r\n<div style=\"display: none;\">\r\n${1}\r\n</div>\r\n</div>', 16)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 852
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysql.php
LINE: 181
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_vb3.php
LINE: 680
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysql->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1028) : eval()'d code
CALL: vb_add_bbcodes()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1028
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 214
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 409
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 289
CALL: module->load()
I'm kinda rusty on my sql so... What does it mean?
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

It means the converter is only working for an English board for now (it's because that was the only vBulletin database I had for my tests).

I'm fixing the bugs with character sets right now, and I'm making good progress.

Hopefully a new version would be available in the next few days.
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by Ñako! »

So in theory if I change the language of the board I should be in the clear? Or the posts themselves would also cause this same result (the forum is in spanish and so are the post, of course)?

Or you know, I could wait a few days xD It's mostly curiosity at this point.
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

No, it's all the special characters (non-ascii) that are causing problems, so it won't help.
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by Ñako! »

Yeah, that's what I thought xD Guess I'll have to wait (?

Let me know if I can help you in any way!

BTW: The converter works with 3.1.3 or just 3.1.2? Sorry, questions keep coming up late (?
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

version 3.1.2 is the minimum required. It will work with all the 3.1 versions (>=3.1.2).
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

Good news everyone!

A new version of the converter is now ready to test.

You can download it from there:
https://github.com/gouarfig/vb3-to-phpB ...

With the help of a database dump from a 3.5 version of vb, using a different charset than the default, I've been able to fix the charset issues, as the same time as making the converter compatible with the 3.5 branch of vBulletin.

The last step for me now is to check that we can convert a board inside the same mysql database, and I'll be done with it! I've already spent too much time for what was supposed to be a simple converter for my board ;)


If your board is not in English, please open the file convert_vb3_config.php and read the information in it. You'll have to give the name of your default groups (Administrators, Guests, etc.) otherwise they will be duplicated. After filling it in, you can eventually send me this information so I can add it to the package. Thank you for your help 8-)
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Missed the big news, will try to do some tests!
Converting within the same mysql DB was already successful for me!
Thanks for all the work!
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by Ñako! »

Hi there. I've been busy lately, but still trying to do this thing. And still hitting a roadblock xD

I downloaded the last convertor, a language patch and did the modifications on convert_vb3_config.php to match my usergroups. Still I'm getting this:

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Data too long for column 'bbcode_helpline' at row 1 [1406]


INSERT INTO phpbb_bbcodes (bbcode_tag, bbcode_match, bbcode_tpl, display_on_posting, bbcode_helpline, first_pass_match, first_pass_replace, second_pass_match, second_pass_replace, bbcode_id) VALUES ('youtube', '[youtube]{TEXT}[/youtube]', '<table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"6\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\" style=\"margin:10px 0\">\r\n<thead>\r\n	<tr>\r\n	<td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center\">\r\n	<a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v={TEXT}\" title=\"Mirar este video en YouTube en una nueva ventana.\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube Video</a>\r\n	</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n</thead>\r\n<tbody>\r\n	<tr>\r\n	<td class=\"panelsurround\" align=\"center\">\r\n	<object width=\"425\" height=\"340\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/{TEXT}\">\r\n	<param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/{TEXT}\" />\r\n	<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />\r\n	<em><strong>ERROR:</strong> Si no podes ver el video, quiere decir que <a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/\">YouTube</a> esta caida o no tenes Flash instalado.</em>\r\n	</object>\r\n	</td>\r\n	</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', 'Postea un video de YouTube.\r\nPara que este codigo funcione (al menos hasta que encontremos uno mejor xD), solo tenes que pegar una parte del link:\r\n\r\nhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=<b>v6N3NUBW7dU</b>\r\n\r\nUnicamente tienen que pega la parte en negrita: <b>v6N3NUBW7dU</b>', '!\\[youtube\\](.*?)\\[/youtube\\]!ies', '\'[youtube:$uid]\'.str_replace(array(\"\\r\\n\", \'\\\"\', \'\\\'\', \'(\', \')\'), array(\"\\n\", \'\"\', \''\', \'&#40;\', \'&#41;\'), trim(\'${1}\')).\'[/youtube:$uid]\'', '!\\[youtube:$uid\\](.*?)\\[/youtube:$uid\\]!s', '<table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"6\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\" style=\"margin:10px 0\">\r\n<thead>\r\n	<tr>\r\n	<td class=\"tcat\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center\">\r\n	<a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${1}\" title=\"Mirar este video en YouTube en una nueva ventana.\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube Video</a>\r\n	</td>\r\n	</tr>\r\n</thead>\r\n<tbody>\r\n	<tr>\r\n	<td class=\"panelsurround\" align=\"center\">\r\n	<object width=\"425\" height=\"340\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/${1}\">\r\n	<param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/${1}\" />\r\n	<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />\r\n	<em><strong>ERROR:</strong> Si no podes ver el video, quiere decir que <a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/\">YouTube</a> esta caida o no tenes Flash instalado.</em>\r\n	</object>\r\n	</td>\r\n	</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>', 21)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 852
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 194
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_vb3.php
LINE: 949
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1028) : eval()'d code
CALL: vb_add_bbcodes()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1028
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 214
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 409
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 289
CALL: module->load()
It's a new kind of error I think. Any idea what's happening?

Thx for the help!
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Name: Fred Q

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

Your description field of the BBcode youtube is too long to fit in phpBB (it is 276 characters long, whereas phpBB limit is at 255 characters).
I suggest you try to reduce the text in it. In the meantime I'll post a fix to cut the string (and display a warning that the string has been cut)
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Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by Ñako! »

Seems about right cause that particular problem it's gone xD

Now I have one about smileys

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Incorrect string value: '\xF9_u' for column 'code' at row 1 [1366]


INSERT INTO phpbb_smilies (code, emotion, smiley_url, smiley_width, smiley_height, smiley_order, display_on_posting) VALUES ('�_u', 'patience', 'imported_paciencia.gif', 16, 16, 76, 1), (':ind:', 'Ind', 'imported_ind.gif', 19, 19, 77, 1), (':glomp', 'glomp', 'imported_glomp.gif', 47, 20, 78, 1), ('n_n', 'n_n', 'imported_aw.gif', 16, 16, 79, 1), (':xp', 'xp', 'imported_xp.gif', 15, 15, 80, 1), ('bow:', 'bow', 'imported_bow.gif', 21, 16, 81, 1), (':boogie', 'boogie', 'imported_boogie.gif', 25, 25, 82, 1), (':sarc', 'sarcasm', 'imported_sarcasticclap.gif', 23, 15, 83, 1), (':mwahaha', 'mwahaha', 'imported_mwahaha.gif', 29, 19, 84, 1), (':rolling', 'rolling', 'imported_rotate.gif', 16, 16, 85, 1), ('o///o', 'rubor', 'imported_rubor.gif', 18, 18, 86, 1), (':ban', 'ban', 'imported_banned.gif', 47, 38, 87, 1), (':hahaNO', 'haha', 'imported_sarcasm.gif', 15, 15, 88, 1), (':shit', 'shit', 'imported_shithappens.gif', 16, 16, 89, 1), (':pica', 'poke', 'imported_poke.gif', 44, 14, 90, 1), (':salute', 'salute', 'imported_salute.gif', 26, 18, 91, 1), ('<3', '<3', 'imported_heart.gif', 15, 13, 92, 1), (':flip', 'Flip', 'imported_flipao.gif', 15, 15, 93, 1), ('[8]', '[8]', 'imported_music.gif', 15, 15, 94, 1), (':kuro', 'kuro', 'imported_kuro.gif', 21, 20, 95, 1), ('>_<', 'duh', 'imported_dohtwo.gif', 15, 15, 96, 1), (':ehm', 'ehm', 'imported_ehm.gif', 15, 15, 97, 1), (':bah', 'bah', 'imported_hum.gif', 15, 15, 98, 1), (':yawn', 'yawn', 'imported_yawn.gif', 15, 15, 99, 1), ('XD', 'xD', 'imported_xD.gif', 15, 15, 100, 1), (':sniff', 'sniff', 'imported_sniff.gif', 15, 15, 101, 1), (':lick', 'lick', 'imported_licking.gif', 33, 15, 102, 1), ('=/', '=/', 'imported_hmm.gif', 15, 15, 103, 1), (':hand', 'handshake', 'imported_handshake.gif', 40, 15, 104, 1), ('T.T', 'T.T', 'imported_crying.gif', 25, 23, 105, 1), ('8D', 'nuts', 'imported_nuts.gif', 16, 16, 106, 1), (':evil', 'evil', 'imported_evil.gif', 20, 20, 107, 1), (':wii', 'wii', 'imported_whee.gif', 15, 15, 108, 1), (':3', '=3', 'imported_nodding3.gif', 15, 15, 109, 1), (':Hasa', 'Hasaki', 'imported_zan.gif', 32, 32, 110, 1), (':saludo', 'saludo', 'imported_wave.gif', 25, 15, 111, 1), (':vic', 'victory', 'imported_victory.gif', 24, 16, 112, 1), (':broken', 'rompecorazon', 'imported_heartbreaker.gif', 43, 26, 113, 1), (':escoba', 'escobazo', 'imported_escobazo.gif', 37, 44, 114, 1), (':baba', 'baba', 'imported_baba.gif', 15, 18, 115, 1), (':cafe', 'cafe', 'imported_cafe.gif', 29, 21, 116, 1), (':hot', 'BURNING!', 'imported_hot.gif', 25, 25, 117, 1), (':bored', 'Bored', 'imported_bored.gif', 19, 15, 118, 1), ('[D', 'D', 'imported_D.gif', 19, 19, 119, 1), (':duncare', 'Duncare', 'imported_duncare.png', 20, 20, 120, 1), (':gar', 'Gar', 'imported_gar.gif', 25, 21, 121, 1), (':hm', 'Hm', 'imported_hm.png', 19, 20, 122, 1), (':bah!', 'Hmpf', 'imported_hmpf.gif', 19, 19, 123, 1), (':juju', 'Juju', 'imported_juju.png', 19, 19, 124, 1), (':lalala', 'Lalala', 'imported_lalala.gif', 50, 50, 125, 1), (':lolk', 'Lolk', 'imported_lolk.png', 19, 20, 126, 1), (':no', 'No', 'imported_no.gif', 15, 15, 127, 1), (':plz', 'Please', 'imported_please.gif', 15, 22, 128, 1), (':S', 'S', 'imported_S.gif', 16, 16, 129, 1), (':uwa', 'Uwa', 'imported_uwa.png', 27, 22, 130, 1), (':wut', 'Wut', 'imported_wut.png', 19, 19, 131, 1), (':nani', 'Nani?!', 'imported_yell.gif', 15, 15, 132, 1), (':anecdotas', 'Anecdotas', 'imported_21.gif', 65, 33, 133, 1), (':pika', 'Pica', 'imported_30.gif', 60, 22, 134, 1), (':ratata', 'ratata', 'imported_33.gif', 49, 23, 135, 1), (':out', 'out', 'imported_46.gif', 65, 31, 136, 1), (':holy', 'holy shit dude', 'imported_47.gif', 25, 42, 137, 1), (':bam', 'facewall', 'imported_52.gif', 30, 23, 138, 1), (':latigo', 'latigo', 'imported_53.gif', 54, 20, 139, 1), (':box', 'box', 'imported_11.gif', 30, 30, 140, 1), (':Chocobo', 'Chocobo', 'imported_Chocobo.gif', 50, 50, 141, 1), (':doh', 'Doh', 'imported_doh.gif', 21, 22, 142, 1), (':fantasma', 'Fantasma', 'imported_fantasma.gif', 32, 32, 143, 1), (':as', 'AS', 'imported_fucku.gif', 20, 20, 144, 1), (':hacha', 'Hacha', 'imported_hacha.gif', 44, 27, 145, 1), (':hitler', 'Hitler', 'imported_hitler.gif', 15, 15, 146, 1), (':hug', 'Hug', 'imported_hug.gif', 47, 18, 147, 1), (':iiam', 'Iiam', 'imported_iiam.gif', 65, 22, 148, 1), (':ironicat', 'Ironicat', 'imported_ironicat.gif', 34, 25, 149, 1), (':kamina', 'Kamina', 'imported_kamina.gif', 24, 25, 150, 1), (':kid', 'Kid', 'imported_kid.gif', 20, 20, 151, 1), (':lolnub', 'Lolnub', 'imported_lolnub.gif', 23, 25, 152, 1), (':lolol', 'Lolol', 'imported_lolol.gif', 30, 15, 153, 1), (':omgluv', 'Omgluv', 'imported_omgluv.gif', 33, 23, 154, 1), (':blush', 'blush', 'imported_oops.gif', 20, 20, 155, 1), (':retard', 'Retard', 'imported_retard.gif', 52, 25, 156, 1), (':rockon', 'Rokon', 'imported_rockon.gif', 49, 51, 157, 1), (':shh', 'Shh', 'imported_shh.gif', 17, 20, 158, 1), (':silla', 'Silla', 'imported_silla.gif', 27, 32, 159, 1), (':sleep', 'Sleep', 'imported_sleep.gif', 29, 29, 160, 1), (':smithcide', 'Smithcide', 'imported_smithcide.gif', 35, 25, 161, 1), (':star', 'Star', 'imported_star.gif', 16, 16, 162, 1), (':trolas', 'Trolas', 'imported_trolas.gif', 80, 21, 163, 1), (':jiggly', 'Jigglynoes', 'imported_jigglynoes.gif', 50, 50, 164, 1), (':unlove', 'Unlove', 'imported_unlove.gif', 16, 16, 165, 1), (':arg', 'ARGENTINA', 'imported_ARGENTINA.gif', 36, 25, 166, 1), (':banallama', 'Banallama', 'imported_bananalama.gif', 53, 65, 167, 1), (':cartman', 'Cartman', 'imported_cartman.gif', 19, 16, 168, 1), (':check', 'Checkmark', 'imported_checkmark.gif', 15, 15, 169, 1), (':CHILE', 'CHILE', 'imported_CHILE.gif', 36, 25, 170, 1), (':clap', 'Clapping', 'imported_clapping.gif', 105, 101, 171, 1), (':COSTARICA', 'COSTARICA', 'imported_COSTARICA.gif', 36, 25, 172, 1), (':CUBA', 'CUBA', 'imported_CUBA.gif', 36, 25, 173, 1), (':dollar', 'Dollarsign', 'imported_dollarsign.gif', 15, 15, 174, 1), (':SALVADOR', 'EL SALVADOR', 'imported_ELSALVADOR.gif', 36, 25, 175, 1), (':abasho', 'Abrazo grupal', 'imported_grouphug5.gif', 114, 34, 176, 1), (':hb', 'Head Board', 'imported_hb.gif', 50, 50, 177, 1), (':homer', 'Homer simpson', 'imported_homersimpson.gif', 14, 25, 178, 1), (':irony', 'Irony-meter', 'imported_irony.gif', 48, 48, 179, 1), (':JAPAN', 'JAPAN', 'imported_JAPAN.gif', 36, 25, 180, 1), (':PARAGUAY', 'PARAGUAY', 'imported_PARAGUAY.gif', 36, 25, 181, 1), (':patan', 'Patan', 'imported_patan.gif', 94, 77, 182, 1), (':PERU', 'PERU', 'imported_PERU.gif', 36, 25, 183, 1), (':piggy', 'Piggy', 'imported_piggy.gif', 50, 41, 184, 1), (':pirate', 'Pirateflag', 'imported_pirateflag.gif', 48, 48, 185, 1), (':pucca', 'Pucca', 'imported_pucca.gif', 50, 50, 186, 1), (':PUERTORICO', 'PUERTORICO', 'imported_PUERTORICO.gif', 36, 25, 187, 1), (':rose', 'Rose', 'imported_rose.gif', 15, 15, 188, 1), (':SPAIN', 'SPAIN', 'imported_SPAIN.gif', 36, 25, 189, 1), (':spam', 'Spam', 'imported_spam.gif', 42, 44, 190, 1), (':tv', 'TV', 'imported_tv.gif', 15, 25, 191, 1), (':URUGUAY', 'URUGUAY', 'imported_URUGUAY.gif', 36, 25, 192, 1), (':fireworks:', 'Fireworks', 'imported_fireworks.gif', 107, 89, 193, 1), (':feel_good-002:', 'Feel Good 002', 'imported_feel_good-002.jpg', 32, 32, 194, 1), (':eye.cancer:', 'Eye.cancer', 'imported_eye.cancer.jpg', 32, 32, 195, 1), (':#', 'Enojado', 'imported_furyidea.gif', 19, 19, 196, 1), (':vulrock', 'Vulpix Rokon', 'imported_rokon-vulpix.gif', 46, 28, 197, 1), (':sasuas', 'With the Thunder', 'imported_sasuas.gif', 44, 42, 198, 1), (':JJ', 'Fuck U', 'imported_fuckeyes.gif', 19, 19, 199, 1), (':momo', 'Meowth Maligno', 'imported_meowth.gif', 52, 29, 200, 1), (':vard', 'Mano!', 'imported_manox.gif', 22, 16, 201, 1), (':saporape', 'Sapo Rape', 'imported_grm3.gif', 79, 35, 202, 1), (':buitre', 'Buitre', 'imported_Buitre.gif', 64, 64, 203, 1), (':suave', 'Suave', 'imported_suave.gif', 50, 50, 204, 1), (':flowa', 'Flowa', 'imported_neko.gif', 50, 50, 205, 1), (':luv', 'Luv', 'imported_love.gif', 50, 50, 206, 1), (':pedo', 'Shining', 'imported_Banana_Pedo.gif', 95, 98, 207, 1), (':quite', 'Quite', 'imported_quite.gif', 20, 18, 208, 1), (':uchiha', 'Uchiha-chan', 'imported_Uchiha-chan.gif', 50, 50, 209, 1), (':angel', 'Angel', 'imported_angel.GIF', 40, 40, 210, 1), (':bailarina', 'Bailarina', 'imported_bailarina.GIF', 40, 40, 211, 1), (':barre', 'Barre', 'imported_barre.GIF', 40, 40, 212, 1), (':boing', 'Boing', 'imported_boing.GIF', 40, 40, 213, 1), (':cae', 'Cae', 'imported_cae.GIF', 40, 40, 214, 1), (':carrito', 'Carrito', 'imported_carrito.GIF', 40, 40, 215, 1), (':cries', 'Cries', 'imported_cries.GIF', 40, 40, 216, 1), (':dies', 'Dies', 'imported_dies.GIF', 40, 40, 217, 1), (':tapado', 'Tapado', 'imported_duerme.GIF', 40, 40, 218, 1), (':sake', 'sake', 'imported_enfermo.GIF', 40, 40, 219, 1), (':estrellitas', 'Estrellitas', 'imported_estrellitas.GIF', 40, 40, 220, 1), (':frio', 'Frio', 'imported_frio.GIF', 40, 40, 221, 1), (':gira', 'Gira', 'imported_gira.GIF', 40, 40, 222, 1), (':glint', 'Glint', 'imported_glint.GIF', 40, 40, 223, 1), (':piii', 'piii', 'imported_gorrito.GIF', 40, 40, 224, 1), (':herido', 'Herido', 'imported_herido.GIF', 40, 40, 225, 1), (':jumpy', 'Jumpy', 'imported_jumpy.GIF', 40, 40, 226, 1), (':libros', 'Libros', 'imported_libros.GIF', 40, 40, 227, 1), (':navidad', 'Navidad', 'imported_navidad.GIF', 40, 40, 228, 1), (':escribe', 'Escribe', 'imported_escribe.gif', 40, 40, 229, 1), (':neko', 'Neko', 'imported_neko.GIF', 40, 40, 230, 1), (':ohnoes', 'Ohnoes', 'imported_ohnoes.GIF', 40, 40, 231, 1), (':onfire', 'Onfire', 'imported_onfire.GIF', 40, 40, 232, 1), (':palmas', 'Palmas', 'imported_palmas.GIF', 40, 40, 233, 1), (':pelota', 'Pelota', 'imported_pelota.GIF', 40, 73, 234, 1), (':npi', 'PENGUIN034', 'imported_PENGUIN034.GIF', 40, 40, 235, 1), (':@.@', 'PENGUIN035', 'imported_PENGUIN035.GIF', 40, 40, 236, 1), (':guitarra', 'PENGUIN036', 'imported_PENGUIN036.GIF', 40, 40, 237, 1), (':pesas', 'PENGUIN037', 'imported_PENGUIN037.GIF', 40, 40, 238, 1), (':falls', 'PENGUIN038', 'imported_PENGUIN038.GIF', 40, 40, 239, 1), (':brazos', 'PENGUIN039', 'imported_PENGUIN039.GIF', 40, 40, 240, 1), (':love', 'PENGUIN040', 'imported_PENGUIN040.GIF', 40, 40, 241, 1), (':trompo', 'PENGUIN041', 'imported_PENGUIN041.GIF', 40, 40, 242, 1), (':pataleo', 'PENGUIN042', 'imported_PENGUIN042.GIF', 40, 40, 243, 1), (':flexiones', 'PENGUIN043', 'imported_PENGUIN043.GIF', 40, 40, 244, 1), (':close', 'PENGUIN045', 'imported_PENGUIN045.GIF', 40, 40, 245, 1), (':ponja', 'PENGUIN046', 'imported_PENGUIN046.GIF', 40, 40, 246, 1), (':ejercicio', 'PENGUIN047', 'imported_PENGUIN047.GIF', 40, 40, 247, 1), (':correo', 'PENGUIN049', 'imported_PENGUIN049.GIF', 40, 40, 248, 1), (':perdon', 'PENGUIN050', 'imported_PENGUIN050.GIF', 40, 40, 249, 1), (':soga', 'PENGUIN051', 'imported_PENGUIN051.GIF', 40, 40, 250, 1), (':upside', 'PENGUIN052', 'imported_PENGUIN052.GIF', 40, 40, 251, 1), (':runing', 'PENGUIN053', 'imported_PENGUIN053.GIF', 40, 40, 252, 1), (':jaqueca', 'PENGUIN054', 'imported_PENGUIN054.GIF', 40, 40, 253, 1), (':globito', 'PENGUIN055', 'imported_PENGUIN055.GIF', 40, 40, 254, 1), (':asdfg', 'PENGUIN056', 'imported_PENGUIN056.GIF', 40, 40, 255, 1), (':depiedra', 'PENGUIN057', 'imported_PENGUIN057.GIF', 40, 40, 256, 1), (':malmomento', 'PENGUIN058', 'imported_PENGUIN058.GIF', 40, 40, 257, 1), (':saxo', 'PENGUIN059', 'imported_PENGUIN059.GIF', 40, 40, 258, 1), (':peloalviento', 'PENGUIN060', 'imported_PENGUIN060.GIF', 40, 40, 259, 1), (':scared', 'PENGUIN061', 'imported_PENGUIN061.GIF', 40, 40, 260, 1), (':tiembla', 'PENGUIN062', 'imported_PENGUIN062.GIF', 40, 40, 261, 1), (':porra', 'PENGUIN063', 'imported_PENGUIN063.GIF', 40, 40, 262, 1), (':colitas', 'PENGUIN064', 'imported_PENGUIN064.GIF', 40, 40, 263, 1), (':papanoel', 'PENGUIN065', 'imported_PENGUIN065.GIF', 40, 40, 264, 1), (':tikitaka', 'PENGUIN066', 'imported_PENGUIN066.GIF', 40, 40, 265, 1), (':redcard', 'PENGUIN067', 'imported_PENGUIN067.GIF', 40, 40, 266, 1), (':vena', 'PENGUIN068', 'imported_PENGUIN068.GIF', 40, 40, 267, 1), (':frozen', 'PENGUIN069', 'imported_PENGUIN069.GIF', 40, 40, 268, 1), (':abandonado', 'PENGUIN070', 'imported_PENGUIN070.GIF', 40, 40, 269, 1), (':stair', 'PENGUIN071', 'imported_PENGUIN071.GIF', 40, 40, 270, 1), (':emocion', 'PENGUIN072', 'imported_PENGUIN072.GIF', 40, 40, 271, 1), (':torrando', 'PENGUIN073', 'imported_PENGUIN073.GIF', 40, 40, 272, 1), (':cadera', 'PENGUIN074', 'imported_PENGUIN074.GIF', 40, 40, 273, 1), (':pochoclo', 'PENGUIN075', 'imported_PENGUIN075.GIF', 40, 40, 274, 1), (':jueguito', 'PENGUIN077', 'imported_PENGUIN077.GIF', 40, 60, 275, 1), (':pingfila', 'PENGUIN078', 'imported_PENGUIN078.GIF', 160, 40, 276, 1), (':whygod', 'PENGUIN080', 'imported_PENGUIN080.GIF', 40, 40, 277, 1), (':fono', 'PENGUIN081', 'imported_PENGUIN081.GIF', 40, 40, 278, 1), (':muletas', 'PENGUIN085', 'imported_PENGUIN085.GIF', 40, 40, 279, 1), (':shuuu', 'PENGUIN087', 'imported_PENGUIN087.GIF', 40, 40, 280, 1), (':OMFG', 'PENGUIN089', 'imported_PENGUIN089.GIF', 40, 40, 281, 1), (':hurry', 'PENGUIN090', 'imported_PENGUIN090.GIF', 40, 40, 282, 1), (':omgplz', 'PENGUIN083', 'imported_PENGUIN083.GIF', 40, 40, 283, 1), (':tururuntuntun', 'PENGUIN092', 'imported_PENGUIN092.GIF', 40, 40, 284, 1), (':regalos', 'PENGUIN093', 'imported_PENGUIN093.GIF', 40, 40, 285, 1), (':amarilla', 'PENGUIN097', 'imported_PENGUIN097.GIF', 40, 40, 286, 1), (':sick', 'PENGUIN098', 'imported_PENGUIN098.GIF', 40, 40, 287, 1), (':busted', 'PENGUIN099', 'imported_PENGUIN099.GIF', 40, 40, 288, 1), (':nodiosno', 'PENGUIN101', 'imported_PENGUIN101.GIF', 40, 40, 289, 1), (':nuhnuh', 'PENGUIN102', 'imported_PENGUIN102.GIF', 40, 40, 290, 1), (':vuelta', 'PENGUIN103', 'imported_PENGUIN103.GIF', 40, 40, 291, 1), (':seh', 'PENGUIN105', 'imported_PENGUIN105.GIF', 40, 40, 292, 1), (':panqueque', 'PENGUIN107', 'imported_PENGUIN107.GIF', 40, 40, 293, 1), (':pollo', 'PENGUIN108', 'imported_PENGUIN108.GIF', 40, 40, 294, 1), (':vertical', 'PENGUIN113', 'imported_PENGUIN113.GIF', 40, 40, 295, 1), (':contonea', 'PENGUIN115', 'imported_PENGUIN115.GIF', 40, 40, 296, 1), (':sue�o', 'PENGUIN119', 'imported_PENGUIN119.GIF', 40, 40, 297, 1), (':lentesbadass', 'PENGUIN120', 'imported_PENGUIN120.GIF', 40, 40, 298, 1), (':dancing', 'PENGUIN122', 'imported_PENGUIN122.GIF', 60, 40, 299, 1), (':nosebleed', 'PENGUIN124', 'imported_PENGUIN124.GIF', 40, 40, 300, 1), (':pingpong', 'PENGUIN130', 'imported_PENGUIN130.GIF', 124, 60, 301, 1), (':yessir', 'PENGUIN131', 'imported_PENGUIN131.GIF', 40, 40, 302, 1), (':plantita', 'PENGUIN133', 'imported_PENGUIN133.GIF', 40, 40, 303, 1), (':vueltita', 'PENGUIN134', 'imported_PENGUIN134.GIF', 80, 40, 304, 1), (':pfft', 'PENGUIN135', 'imported_PENGUIN135.GIF', 40, 40, 305, 1), (':hotspring', 'PENGUIN136', 'imported_PENGUIN136.GIF', 40, 40, 306, 1), (':reverencia', 'Reverencia', 'imported_reverencia.gif', 40, 40, 307, 1), (':tacho', 'Tacho', 'imported_tacho.GIF', 40, 40, 308, 1), (':tchtch', 'Tchtch', 'imported_tchtch.GIF', 40, 40, 309, 1), (':uhoh', 'Uhoh', 'imported_uhoh.GIF', 40, 40, 310, 1), ('>D', 'mwahaha', 'imported_)D.gif', 19, 19, 311, 1), (':che', 'Che', 'imported_che.gif', 22, 24, 312, 1), (':happybday', 'Happybday', 'imported_happybday.gif', 81, 26, 313, 1), (':hendrix', 'Hendrix', 'imported_hendrix.gif', 39, 49, 314, 1), (':hippie', 'Hippie', 'imported_hippie.gif', 41, 30, 315, 1), (':jesus', 'Jesus', 'imported_jesus.gif', 97, 77, 316, 1), ('*-*', 'Luv', 'imported_luv.gif', 19, 19, 317, 1), (':mono', 'Mono', 'imported_mono.gif', 52, 23, 318, 1), (':mycroft', 'Mycr', 'imported_mycr.gif', 19, 19, 319, 1), (':pho', 'Objection', 'imported_objection.gif', 50, 50, 320, 1), (':edgy', 'Overruled', 'imported_overruled.gif', 50, 50, 321, 1), (':fp', 'Facepalm', 'imported_faceplam.png', 20, 20, 322, 1), (':kis:', 'Kis', 'imported_kis.gif', 35, 44, 323, 1), (':kis2:', 'Kis2', 'imported_kis2.gif', 38, 30, 324, 1), (':kk:', 'Kk', 'imported_kk.gif', 32, 32, 325, 1), (':mano:', 'Mano', 'imported_mano.gif', 22, 16, 326, 1), (':mia.rockt:', 'Mia.rockt', 'imported_mia.rockt.jpg', 32, 32, 327, 1), (':neutral:', 'Neutral', 'imported_neutral.gif', 30, 20, 328, 1), (':oho:', 'Oho', 'imported_oho.jpg', 32, 32, 329, 1), (':pedobear:', 'Pedobear', 'imported_pedobear.gif', 66, 120, 330, 1), (':pffft:', 'Pffft', 'imported_pffft.jpg', 32, 32, 331, 1), (':redface:', 'Redface', 'imported_redface.gif', 16, 16, 332, 1), (':rock-on:', 'Rock On', 'imported_rock-on.gif', 29, 25, 333, 1), (':rockon_giro:', 'Rockon Giro', 'imported_rockon_giro.gif', 29, 25, 334, 1), (':rolleyes:', 'Rolleyes', 'imported_rolleyes.gif', 16, 16, 335, 1), (':rolleyes:', 'Rolleyes', 'imported_rolleyes.jpg', 32, 32, 336, 1), (':secret.smile:', 'Secret.smile', 'imported_secret.smile.jpg', 32, 32, 337, 1), (':shora:', 'Shora', 'imported_shora.gif', 19, 19, 338, 1), (':sigh:', 'Sigh', 'imported_sigh.gif', 48, 39, 339, 1), (':spiderman-002:', 'Spiderman 002', 'imported_spiderman-002.jpg', 32, 32, 340, 1), (':stupidsmile:', 'Stupidsmile', 'imported_stupidsmile.gif', 19, 19, 341, 1), (':surrender-002:', 'Surrender 002', 'imported_surrender-002.jpg', 32, 32, 342, 1), (':tigger:', 'Tigger', 'imported_tigger.gif', 39, 45, 343, 1), (':tire-002:', 'Tire 002', 'imported_tire-002.jpg', 32, 32, 344, 1), (':tongue:', 'Tongue', 'imported_tongue.gif', 16, 16, 345, 1), (':truenos:', 'Truenos', 'imported_truenos.gif', 19, 19, 346, 1), (':tux:', 'Tux', 'imported_tux.gif', 17, 16, 347, 1), (':ugh:', 'Ugh', 'imported_ugh.gif', 19, 19, 348, 1), (':ups:', 'Ups', 'imported_ups.gif', 29, 26, 349, 1), (':waaaht:', 'Waaaht', 'imported_waaaht.jpg', 32, 32, 350, 1), (':wee:', 'Wee', 'imported_wee.gif', 33, 63, 351, 1), (':whutplz:', 'Whutplz', 'imported_whutplz.gif', 50, 50, 352, 1), (':youmustdieplzqe8:', 'Youmustdieplzqe8', 'imported_youmustdieplzqe8.gif', 50, 50, 353, 1), (':^^:', '^^', 'imported_^^.gif', 16, 16, 354, 1), (':juiz', 'Loco de Mierda', 'imported_juiz.gif', 19, 19, 355, 1), (':1:', '1', 'imported_1.gif', 19, 19, 356, 1), (':abanico:', 'Abanico', 'imported_abanico.gif', 20, 20, 357, 1), (':amazed-002:', 'Amazed 002', 'imported_amazed-002.jpg', 32, 32, 358, 1), (':beat_brick-002:', 'Beat Brick 002', 'imported_beat_brick-002.jpg', 32, 32, 359, 1), (':biggrin:', 'Biggrin', 'imported_biggrin.gif', 16, 16, 360, 1), (':c00l:', 'C00l', 'imported_c00l.gif', 20, 20, 361, 1), (':canny-002:', 'Canny 002', 'imported_canny-002.jpg', 32, 32, 362, 1), (':confused:', 'Confused', 'imported_confused.gif', 16, 21, 363, 1), (':��:', '¬¬', 'imported_��.gif', 20, 20, 364, 1), (':AS', 'AS', 'imported_AS.gif', 50, 50, 365, 1), (':pero', 'pepero!', 'imported_AS1.gif', 50, 50, 366, 1), (':NIAM', 'Ñam', 'imported_AS3.gif', 50, 50, 367, 1), (':mhu', 'mhuuuuuu :ceja', 'imported_AS4.gif', 50, 50, 368, 1), (':ASnime', 'kawaiiiiii', 'imported_AS5.gif', 50, 50, 369, 1), (':ASchan', 'AS6', 'imported_AS6.gif', 50, 50, 370, 1), (':ic', 'I c wat u did thar', 'imported_AS7.gif', 50, 50, 371, 1), (':ur', '...', 'imported_AS8.gif', 50, 50, 372, 1), (':nop', 'No.', 'imported_AS2.gif', 50, 50, 373, 1), (':ho', 'Ho', 'imported_ho.gif', 19, 19, 374, 1), (':wth', 'Wth', 'imported_wth.png', 19, 19, 375, 1), (':stan', 'Cuidado con los Gassys :mycroft', 'imported_Stanley.gif', 75, 68, 376, 1), (':piola', 'Peola', 'imported_piola.gif', 19, 29, 377, 1), (':peron', 'Peron', 'imported_peron.gif', 50, 42, 378, 1), (':peronsaske', 'Peron Saske', 'imported_peronsaske.gif', 50, 42, 379, 1), (':UWA', 'UWA Grande', 'imported_uwagigante.gif', 36, 35, 380, 1), (':HM', 'HM Grande', 'imported_hmgigante.gif', 47, 48, 381, 1), (':niam', 'Ñam chico', 'imported_niam.gif', 19, 19, 382, 1), (':ucry', 'UWA Cry', 'imported_ucry.gif', 19, 19, 383, 1), (':omg', 'Omg', 'imported_omg.gif', 19, 19, 384, 1), (':omg1', 'Omg1', 'imported_omg1.gif', 19, 19, 385, 1), (':omg2', 'Omg2', 'imported_omg2.gif', 19, 19, 386, 1), (':omg3', 'Omg3', 'imported_omg3.gif', 19, 19, 387, 1), (':omg4', 'Omg4', 'imported_omg4.gif', 19, 19, 388, 1), (':omg5', 'Omg5', 'imported_omg5.gif', 19, 19, 389, 1), (':omg6', 'Omg6', 'imported_omg6.gif', 19, 19, 390, 1), (':omg7', 'Omg7', 'imported_omg7.gif', 19, 19, 391, 1), (':omg8', 'Omg8', 'imported_omg8.gif', 19, 19, 392, 1), (':omg9', 'Omg9', 'imported_omg9.gif', 19, 19, 393, 1), (':gwah', 'PANDEMIA!', 'imported_gwah.gif', 19, 19, 394, 1), (':aww', 'hug', 'imported_hugs.gif', 38, 15, 395, 1)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 852
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 194
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 650
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_vb3.php
LINE: 3290
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_multi_insert()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1028) : eval()'d code
LINE: 10
CALL: vb_import_smilies()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1028
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 214
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 409
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 289
CALL: module->load()
It appears to be a problem with the custom smileys that were added to the forum through the years. Should I get rid of those and reupload 'em later?
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Registered User
Posts: 138
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:48 am
Location: Northeast Scotland
Name: Fred Q

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by FredQ »

Yes you can try the trick. That should work. It's a character set issue with the smilies. I'll fix it in two weeks, I'm off on holidays :-)
My board (converted from vBulletin)
Registered User
Posts: 103
Joined: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:09 pm

Re: vBulletin 3.8.4 to PhpBB3.1

Post by opperpanter »

Hi Fred,

Thanks for all the work, have a good holiday.

With the final version I'm still running into the url html encoding issue.

Whever a post contains a url or I make a new post with a url in it, it gets messed up.

[url=http://postimg.org/image/wpej31ajx/85a2f66c/][img]http://s22.postimg.org/5et7v47n5/670px_ ... Step_4.jpg[/img][/url]

Turns into

<a href="**;//**;org/image/wpej31ajx/85a2f66c/" class="postlink"><img src="**;//**;**;org/5et7v47n5/**;jpg" class="postimage" alt="Afbeelding"></a>

The only way around it it's to disable the html encoding of urls in the message_parser.php

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