[SOLVED] Clearing ACL cache manually?

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[SOLVED] Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by 777Firebrand777 »

I'm trying to set up cron jobs which modifies some config values in certain times a week in phpbb_config and acl_groups table.

My problem is, when I modify acl_groups, it doesn't go "live" because phpbb caches the board.

I empty cache by inputing command "rm <home direcory>/cache/*.php

It works for some settings and templates, but won't work with ACLs. If I want refresh on ACLs I have to press purge cache button in ACP.

How could I purge ACL cache completely with a cron job / SQL command run?
Last edited by 777Firebrand777 on Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by AmigoJack »

777Firebrand777 wrote:I have to press purge cache button in ACP
Why not looking up what that button does in /includes/acp/acp_main.php?

Code: Select all

case 'purge_cache':
    global $cache;

    // Clear permissions
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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by 777Firebrand777 »

That actually requires the server to log into the board.

I did something similar now, by implementing acl cache clear command in index php which only runs if i give a special argument in the url but this is not too safe if you agree with me, because everyone can run it. And I cannot chmod index.php on 700 to prevent this.

What I want to do is to find a way to clear the cache fully from linux shell script running a cron to support my other cron timed modifications on the board.
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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by AmigoJack »

777Firebrand777 wrote:That actually requires the server to log into the board
What? You can easily create a PHP file which executes all this without any output or input (speak: authentication). And PHP files are scripts, nothing else. Also: what's critical about clearing caches?
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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by david63 »

Why not just make the config vars is_dynamic then they will automatically be updated
Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!

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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by 777Firebrand777 »

AmigoJack wrote:
777Firebrand777 wrote:That actually requires the server to log into the board
What? You can easily create a PHP file which executes all this without any output or input (speak: authentication). And PHP files are scripts, nothing else. Also: what's critical about clearing caches?
Sorry, I can't program in php, that's why I didn't know that. I just modify other people's work (my index.php modification was also borrowed from a guy's solution)

My security concern is if somebody knows how to argument my index.php file from outside, it can be used to slow down the server.

But if I have a standalone file which can be only executed by root, it's protected then.
david63 wrote:Why not just make the config vars is_dynamic then they will automatically be updated
Would you explain this for me please?
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Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by tmarone »

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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by AmigoJack »

777Firebrand777 wrote:Would you explain this for me please?
Ignore that post - I have no idea how that was supposed to help in any way.
777Firebrand777 wrote:I can't program in php
It's not that different from Perl or shell scripts. Create a PHP file with this content:

Code: Select all


define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = './';  // Relative to your phpBB installation path
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);


die( 'done' ); 
If it's not saved in the root of your phpBB installation adjust the variable where the comment is. To execute the script from the outside run wget http://yoursite.ext/thatscript.php. To execute it locally, change the directory to where that file resides and run php -f thatscript.php. Tested.
  • "The problem is probably not my English but you do not want to understand correctly. ... We will not come anybody anyway, nevertheless, it's best to shit this." Affin, 2018-11-20
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Re: Clearing ACL cache manually?

Post by 777Firebrand777 »

tmarone wrote:viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1472175 maybe?
I did try this but somehow it didn't work. Maybe it's just me.
AmigoJack wrote:
777Firebrand777 wrote:Would you explain this for me please?
Ignore that post - I have no idea how that was supposed to help in any way.
777Firebrand777 wrote:I can't program in php
It's not that different from Perl or shell scripts. Create a PHP file with this content:

Code: Select all


define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = './';  // Relative to your phpBB installation path
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);


die( 'done' );  
If it's not saved in the root of your phpBB installation adjust the variable where the comment is. To execute the script from the outside run wget http://yoursite.ext/thatscript.php. To execute it locally, change the directory to where that file resides and run php -f thatscript.php. Tested.
This solution is working perfectly for me! My issue is solved. Thank you very much!

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