First of all you're doing the repeat your mistake of overwriting theatoirtap wrote:Code: Select all
$row =& $rowset[$post_list[$i]]; $poster_id = $row['user_id']; // Create the SQL statement $sql= 'SELECT post_id FROM phpbb_posts WHERE topic_id= '. (int)$topic_id; $result= $db-> sql_query( $sql ); while( $row= $db-> sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
variable. Stop that.- Second: why would you want to assign your output globally, instead of per post? That's most likely the wrong decision and it proves you yet didn't understand how loops are working.
- Third: handing over data to the template must follow the hierarchy: you can't assign iterations of another loop while haven't assigned the current iteration of the parent loop. That's the reason why you won't see
in the wild, but instead at the end of the big loop in /viewtopic.php:Code: Select all
// Dump vars into template $template->assign_block_vars('postrow', $postrow); if (!empty($cp_row['blockrow'])) { foreach ($cp_row['blockrow'] as $field_data) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.custom_fields', $field_data); } } // Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;) if (!empty($attachments[$row['post_id']])) { foreach ($attachments[$row['post_id']] as $attachment) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attachment', array( 'DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment) ); } }
- Fouth: loop variables can't have underscores.
- Last but not least: use proper HTML.
Let's start fresh. Undo all changes you made and open /viewtopic.php. Find:
Code: Select all
$row =& $rowset[$post_list[$i]];
$poster_id = $row['user_id'];
Code: Select all
// My block
$sql= 'SELECT post_id
FROM phpbb_posts
WHERE topic_id= '. (int)$topic_id;
$result= $db-> sql_query( $sql );
$aMyblock= array(); // Store in variable, instead of feeding the template instantly
while( $row2= $db-> sql_fetchrow( $result2 ) ) { // You see that? Another variable than "$row"
$aMyblock[]= array( 'TPL_VAR' => $row2['post_id'] );
$db-> sql_freeresult( $result );
Code: Select all
// Dump vars into template
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow', $postrow);
if (!empty($cp_row['blockrow']))
foreach ($cp_row['blockrow'] as $field_data)
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow.custom_fields', $field_data);
// Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;)
if (!empty($attachments[$row['post_id']]))
foreach ($attachments[$row['post_id']] as $attachment)
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attachment', array(
'DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment)
Code: Select all
foreach( $aMyblock as $aBlock ) { // Now is okay
$template-> assign_block_vars( 'postrow.myblock', $aBlock ); // No underscore
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<h3 <!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW -->class="first"<!-- ENDIF -->><!-- IF postrow.POST_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG}" width="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" /> <!-- ENDIF --><a href="#p{postrow.POST_ID}">{postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</a></h3>
<p class="author"><!-- IF S_IS_BOT -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE --><a href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}">{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong> » {postrow.POST_DATE} </p>
Code: Select all
<p>Output = <!-- BEGIN myblock --> {postrow.myblock.TPL_VAR} <!-- END myblock --></p>