Open src/whatsapp.php
Code: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.82');
Code: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.96');
Code: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.82');
Code: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.96');
works, thankstas2580 wrote:Whatsapp has changed something so that you need the newest Whatsapp Version.
Open src/whatsapp.php
searchreplace withCode: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.82');
Code: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.96');
tas2580 wrote:Whatsapp has changed something so that you need the newest Whatsapp Version.
Open src/whatsapp.php
searchreplace withCode: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.82');
Code: Select all
define('WA_VER', '2.12.96');
Code: Select all
'ACP_SETTINGS' => 'Instellingen',
'ACP_SENDER' => 'Verstuurder\'s telefoonnummer',
'ACP_SENDER_EXPLAIN' => 'Vul het telefoonnummer in met landcode en zonder 0 in het begin, waar vandaan hetWhatsApp® bericht wordt verstuurd. <br />Example.: 31623456789',
'ACP_PASSWORD' => 'Wachtwoord',
'ACP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Vul je WhatsApp® wachtwoord in.',
'ACP_STATUS' => 'Status',
'ACP_STATUS_EXPLAIN' => 'Vul je WhatsApp® status in.',
'ACP_IMAGE' => 'Avatar',
'ACP_IMAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Upload een avatar afbeeling voor jouw WhatsApp® gebruiker.',
'ACP_SUBMIT' => 'Update instellingen',
'ACP_SAVED' => 'WhatsApp® instellingen ge-update.',
'WHATSAPP_NR' => 'Telefoonnummer',
'WHATSAPP_NR_EXPLAIN' => 'Selecteer jouw landcode en vul jouw WhatsApp® telefoonnummer in zonder de 0 aan het begin. <br />Voorbeeld.: 623456789',
'ACP_CC_SELECT' => 'Standaard Land Code',
'ACP_CC_SELECT_EXPLAIN' => 'Stel een standaard landcode in die wordt gebruikt als we geen landcode van de hostnaam kunnen krijgen.',
Code: Select all
'ACP_SENDER' => 'Sender phone number',
Code: Select all
'ACP_SENDER' => 'Sender\'s phone number',
Code: Select all
'ACP_SENDER_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter the phone number with country code and without 0 at the beginning from that the WhatsApp® should to be sent. <br />Example.: 49123456789',
Code: Select all
'ACP_SENDER_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter the phone number with country code and without the 0 at the beginning from which the WhatsApp® should to be sent. <br />Example.: 49123456789',
Code: Select all
'WHATSAPP_NR_EXPLAIN' => 'Select your country code and enter your WhatsApp® phone number with without 0 at the beginning. <br />Example.: 123456789',
Code: Select all
'WHATSAPP_NR_EXPLAIN' => 'Select your country code and enter your WhatsApp® phone number without the 0 at the beginning. <br />Example.: 123456789',
Code: Select all
'CC_CU' => 'Kuba',
Code: Select all
'CC_CU' => 'Cuba',
Code: Select all
public function wait_for_server($id = 0, $timeout = 5)
Code: Select all
public function wait_for_server($id = 0, $timeout = 0)
Is there an option to disable or skipp the acknowledgement function?posey wrote:I am looking forward to be using this Extension!
Ok, I've looked at the link and I still don't know what a socket is.tas2580 wrote:For Sockets see:
Sockets is a library used by PHP. You need to check your php.ini to see if it is loaded. It normally is not loaded by default.pathfinderenterprises wrote:Ok, I've looked at the link and I still don't know what a socket is.tas2580 wrote:For Sockets see:
All I know about sockets is that they are something that is needed for this extension to run. I don't know how to check if I have sockets or not. How do I check? What else do they do?
Code: Select all
if(function_exists('socket_create') && function_exists('socket_connect'))
echo 'You can use sockets';
echo 'You can NOT use sockets';
tas2580 wrote:You can test if sockets available or not by creating a new php file, maybe test.php and put the following content into it:Open the file in a browser to see whether there are sockets available or not.Code: Select all
<?php if(function_exists('socket_create') && function_exists('socket_connect')) { echo 'You can use sockets'; } else { echo 'You can NOT use sockets'; }
But that can only test whether sockets available, not on what port sockets can be used. So just try it with the extension than you know if it works.