This will be fixed in the next version, thanks for reporting.Anuj Dhawan wrote:I've downloaded this style a while back but have activated it now as it shows the "recent posts" extension in a decent style which I liked. However I observe that the RSS icon (for every Forum) is not showing up for this style while it show up for other styles on my board. Can you please assist it showing up the RSS icon for this style too?
Not sure if phpbb has the code to allow this...Cobra45 wrote:Nice, but the red counter should appear only if have something to count. Two zeros not look good in my opinion.
Changing it would just break mods...Cobra45 wrote:And profile page is for re-do. It doesn't match to the overall new theme - big and empty.
In common.cssloxawadi wrote:Thanks for your nice style.
Please help. How can i move the bloc "who's online" from lesft to RIGHT?
Thank you