Uppercase nicks to lowercase

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Re: Uppercase nicks to lowercase

Post by AmigoJack »

ViolaF wrote:use always min. mb_strtolower()
For phpBB3.0 this is wrong, as the board already comes with a more reliable utf8_strtolower().
My question still remains: why not banning them when you ban others for less?
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Re: Uppercase nicks to lowercase

Post by Megakyoto »

AmigoJack wrote:the board already comes with a more reliable utf8_strtolower().
Much better. That's the kind of answer that really helps. Thanks.
Megakyoto wrote:My question still remains: why not banning them when you ban others for less?
Some are banned right away, some are innocent users who don't know the basic norms of netiquette like FIELDOFFLOWERS or CHERRYBLOSSOM.

Talking about netiquette, I am also working on lowering all uppercase messages and subjects. Thanks for the tip to use utf8_strtolower().
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Re: Uppercase nicks to lowercase

Post by ViolaF »

AmigoJack wrote:For phpBB3.0 this is wrong, as the board already comes with a more reliable utf8_strtolower().
That i never know. We live and learn... ;)

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