warmweer wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:18 pm
WWu777 wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:03 pm
Well that's different. The phpbb home page is easy to navigate and find the download page. It's a prime feature that is encouraged on there. However, when you click on a link and go directly to a forum, you don't think there's a download page in the forum, because forums are for discussions. Usually a person looks for a download tab in the top navigation menu. That's our first instinct and what users look for.
Baloney. The link brings you to a forum. There is a subforum with clear and disctinctive title: Extensions. Not even a tiny bit more difficult than a download tab in the navigation menu which probably won't bring you directly to the download you want: you'll have to navigate to the specific category and then look in there, or navigate using some kind of categorisation system (possibly alphabetic).
I agree that a direct link can be considered more user friendly, but seriously: if one can't find that specific download immediately, then forums aren't one's line of interest.
You're not considering the perspective of the user. When a user clicks a download link, he or she expects to be taken to a DOWNLOAD PAGE directly. People expect to see a button that says "download" that they can click on right away. Very simple. So it's psychological here. When they don't see what they expect to see, they get confused or taken aback. Online users have expectations and don't like to do extra work. That's the kind of impatient consumerist society we live in today. This should be obvious.
You know, when I have to explain these kind of things to you, sometimes I wonder if some of you guys are merely AI bots and not real humans. lol. After all, if you are humans I don't get why you can't understand the human perspective and human experience. A human relates to other humans. But sometimes you guys act as though you can't relate to humans, as though you're not human yourselves. lol
I've heard some conspiracy theorists say that some users online in forums and comments pages are merely AI bots and that AI technology is far more advanced than we thought. So you gotta wonder. lol