On my board, I am trying to create a link used to open a small popup page (exactly like the one used for "more smilies") in which to put a webradio player.
The matter is not what should be displayed in this popup, but how to create it all!
In fact, I just can't manage to do it.
I created, in one of my styles, the radio_popup.html file.
The questions are:
- How can I set this link to make it open a SMALL window, like the smilies one?
- I put, in the html file, the codes <!-- INCLUDE simple_header.html --> and <!-- INCLUDE simple_footer.html -->. They simply won't work. It opens a large and ugly white windows, with the content inside.
Maybe I should first create a php file to be put in the root, but I searched and didn't find a suitable guide to do this.
Cna you help me, and forgive me for my poor english use?
