Database query help

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Database query help

Post by popgammy »


Can someone give me an example a query I would need in order to accomplish the following, I would like it in a single query if possible.

I have 2 tables: itemsforsale and itemsbought

When the user visits the page I want only to display products from itemsforsale that the user has not purchased already, doesn't exist in itemsbought.

So something like

Code: Select all

SELECT items FROM itemsforsale WHERE item-with-same-item DOES NOT EXIST in itemsbought WHERE user_id = user and item_id = itemsforsaleid
So basically just looping through the tables and only outputting itemforsale that don't exist in the itemsbought tablet for that specific user. :?
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Re: Database query help

Post by AmigoJack »

While the answer is quite simple I don't see what this has to do with phpBB at all. Also you didn't tell your DBMS - there might be a specific non ANSI-SQL slang that might be needed. And on top describe your tables. Not with words, of course - with CREATE TABLE...
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