Hello! I spent a few hours doing some tests and noticed something interesting on the problem.
The current configuration of the ranks is as follows:
1 special rank for the Registered Users group.
3 normal ranks. These ranks are pictures of balls to be completed as the user reaches a number of messages.
1 ball = 0 post
2 balls = 7 posts
3 balls = 15 posts
I signed up a user tests and noticed that normal rank (0 post) does not appear. However, upon reaching 7 posts (two balls) ranks appear. However, the image that appears is the first rank, the first ball 0 posts. LOL
It is quite confusing. It was clear?
EDIT 19h53: I think I found the problem with the normal ranks do not appear ...
The first regular rank NEVER appears, but from the second begins to appear the first. Example: normal rank 1 is for users with 0 posts and have a ball; normal rank 2 has two balls and is for users who have 20 messages. Only reaching 20 messages normal rank 1 will appear. Is weird