[CDB] Digests 3.2.11

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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by MarkDHamill »

kamaleon wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:12 am How can I check what day of the week a subscriber should get his digest?

Daily digests are pretty self explanatory. Monthly digests are received on the first of the month, based on GMT. So you probably mean weekly digests. The default is to send them on Sundays GMT. This can be changed in the ACP on the digest general settings page.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by kamaleon »

And how to check if the default weekly is not on sunday?

In the admin I have it on sundays but we are getting them on thursday.

Is there a way to check it? Even by doing a query to the db?
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by MarkDHamill »

Something is obviously wrong. If it is set for Sunday it should go out on Sunday GMT. If you use phpBB's cron it's possible that it's not going out due to low board traffic. These fire up only when there is board traffic. I don't think this issue has anything to do with my code.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by kamaleon »

But is there a way to check on the DB for the day it should go out?
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by MarkDHamill »

As I mentioned a couple of posts back, the default day of the week for weekly digests to go out is set in the ACP, extensions tab, on the digest general settings page
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by kamaleon »

Yes thanks for that.

What table can I check for the values?
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by kamaleon »

This table is empty phpbb_digests_subscribed_forums...
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by MarkDHamill »

The value show in Digest General settings for the day of the week should reflect value stored in the phpbb_config table. I am travelling so I can't tell you what the config_name is but it contains a value from 0 through 6 with 0 being Sunday. You can search for it with the pattern phpbbservices_digest%.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by kamaleon »


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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by Tropheus99 »


Thanks for this very useful extension. I set it up as instructed, tested and it is sending digests to users. I'm using version 3.2.11 of the Digest in Phpbb version 3.2.5.

However, I've noticed two issues:

Firstly, in the ACP when I try to edit subscibers in the Edit Subscribers page, it won't let me do anything. The search function doesn't work when I enter a username and press enter. When I select and individual user and edit their digest frequency and press submit, the change isn't recorded.

I have set up digests to send on Monday morning a 9 a.m. which is working. However, there seems to be a second execution after 10 a.m. on Monday so users are getting two copies of the digest within a couple of hours. I am using the more straight forward Phpbb cron and not the system cron.

I have tried adressing this by downloading and installing the latest master version from Github, but it hasn't made any difference.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by MarkDHamill »

For edit subscribers, in my test I entered the partial name (no pattern matching characters) in the field and pressed enter. The matches were correct.

For editing information, it does work for me. Make the changes to any field on the page, including those you may need to hit the + key on to change, then press the submit button. The only reason I could think of why it might not work is if either Javascript is not enabled in the browser or there is some sort of Javascript error, perhaps due to a very old browser. The browser's console will report any Javascript errors.

Duplicated digests should not be happening unless the same email address is used more than once. I'm guessing you have two processes going: a system cron and a phpBB cron. If you have a system cron set up, you need to say so: ACP > General > Server settings > Run periodic tasks from system cron > Yes. When a digest is set though it records the time it was sent. This should keep a duplicate from going out.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by Tropheus99 »

Thanks for the quick response Mark. I'm using IE11, Edge and Chrome and experiencing the same problem in each.

This the error I'm seeing in Chrome when trying to search for a user in the Edit Subscribers tab.

An invalid form control with name='user-4336-max_display_words' is not focusable.
Last edited by Tropheus99 on Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by Tropheus99 »

More details of Chrome error.

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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by MarkDHamill »

This is odd. I did a Google search and found this:

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/221 ... -focusable

During my testing, I validate the HTML here:


It is showing no validation errors, but some warnings like empty headers.

You might want to validate the HTML source of the edit subscribers page and see if any errors are happening.

The field user-xx-max_display_words is initially hidden. You have to press the + key for the appropriate row to make it visible.

Are any rows returned by your search query?

My guess is there is some sort of database inconsistency. It might be helpful to look at the underlying query. You could echo the $sql variable to the screen to see what it is, then run that outside of phpBB in phpMyAdmin to see what is returned.

https://github.com/MarkDHamill/digests/ ... #L345-L365

The username_clean column is the column search in the phpbb_users table. It is referenced inside the $member_sql variable.
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Re: [RC] Digests 3.2.11

Post by Tropheus99 »

Thanks again Mark. I think this may be getting beyond the limit of my technical abilities.

Two other observations. I also have the digest installed in a test version of the domain which was made about 6 weeks ago. The edit subscribers page works perfectly.

On the live site, if I go to the second page of users in the edit subscribers, the search and edit functions work perfectly. It's odd.

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