Code: Select all
cd "/path/to/board"; ./bin/phpbbcli.php cron:run
Code: Select all
update phpbb_config
set config_value = 0
where config_name = 'phpbbservices_digests_cron_task_last_gc';
Well, just create a file named overall_header_head_append.html intoMarkDHamill wrote:Yes, see my last post. The advice has been edited.
edit: you can use also overall_footer_after.html if you think is better.MarkDHamill wrote:because phpBB injects the link to cron.php in the footer as an image link.
I see, are you sure about that? I didn't test it ofcourse... just trying to help.MarkDHamill wrote:3Di, maybe I'm missing something but this would only work if the user has a client that is always on with the browser turned on. I'm not sure Praggle wants to do that and is looking for some external service that will handle that part.
You didn't IMHO answered here, out of curiosity: will it be lost?Praggle wrote:Will a digest be lost, if I use the default phpBB cron and nobody is using the board during the time of delivery? Or will it just be delivered next morning, when somebody is getting active on the board?
That would be a good solution!MarkDHamill wrote:I may add a feature in a future version to check if hours were missed and if so create them. Digests might be delivered a bit late in these cases, but it would be a popular feature.
Are we missing the part where Bots and Crawlers are always active?MarkDHamill wrote:I appreciate your suggestions. Adding a meta tag to refresh a web page requires a browser to be active. I haven't tested it but I can't see how it would work otherwise.