[3.3][RC] Autolinks 1.3.9

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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.1

Post by Movie »

pierredu wrote:Hi Franck,

Thanks for the information.

This is something I cured tonight.
I had problems to keep all language files on the same pace.
Think it could be a language thing? I wonder where uruguayito is from and what language he used during his phpBB install, I used the English on both phpBB builds here, neither work with the mod.

Let me know if you change anything in the Extension file I will download and try again. I would like to get this working its a wonderful tool for the site.

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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.1

Post by uruguayito »

Confirm; Installed and working

Same error with language...tomorrow wil be a better day ....jejejejejeje

I speak spanish
Sorry for my bad english
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.1

Post by pierredu »

Thanks for the confirmation.
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.2

Post by pierredu »

Well, it seems that all language problems now belong to the past.

The repository on github was updated.
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.2

Post by MaxTr »

Thank you for the extension.
I can offer translation

Code: Select all

 * @package	Extension Autolink
 * @author	Máté Bartus <[email protected]>
 * @version	$Id: info_acp_autolink.php 46 2010-07-20 14:14:53Z CHItA $

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

	// Menu's text and titles
	'ACP_AUTOLINKS_TITLE'				=> 'Управление анкорами',
	'AUTOLINK_ADD_A_NEW_WORD'			=> 'Добавить новый URL',

	// Main form's words
	'ACP_AUTOLINKS_CONFIG'				=> 'Конфигурация',

	'ACP_AUTOLINK_WORDS'				=> 'Управление анкорами',
	'ACP_AUTOLINK_WORD'					=> 'Значение',
	'ACP_AUTOLINK_WORD_NOTE'			=> 'Здесь вы можете задать анкор (расширение не чувствительно к регистру).',
	'ACP_AUTOLINK_URL_NOTE'				=> 'Здесь вы можете задать ссылку, для слова указанного выше.',

	// Logs
	'LOG_AUTOLINK_WORD_ADDED'			=> 'Новый анкор (%s) был успешно внесен в базу данных "Управление анкорами"!',
	'LOG_AUTOLINK_WORD_EDIT'			=> 'Подробности “%s” в слове был обновлен в базе данных "Управление анкорами"!',
	'LOG_AUTOLIMK_WORD_DELETE'			=> '“%s” слово было удалено из базы "Управление анкорами"!',
	'LOG_AUTOLINK_CONFIG_UPDATED'		=> 'Конфигурация расширения "Управление анкорами" и его настройки были обновлены.',

	// ACP table heading words
	'AUTOLINK_NAME'						=> 'Слово',
	'AUTOLINK_URL'						=> 'Ссылка',

	// Error messages
	'AUTOLINK_NOT_ADDED'				=> 'Слово не было добавлено к базе "Управление анкорами"!',
	'AUTOLINK_NOT_REMOVED'				=> 'Слово не было удалено из базы "Управление анкорами"!',
	'AUTOLINK_NOT_UPDATED'				=> 'Слово не обновляется в базе "Управление анкорами"!',
	'AUTOLINK_INVALID_ID'				=> 'Попытка редактировать или удалить слово с неправильным ID!',
	'AUTOLINK_DIFFERENT_SIZE_ARRAY'		=> 'Количество добавленных URL-адресов и анкоров должны совпадать!',
	'INVALID_FORM_KEY'					=> 'The form’s token key is invalid!',
	'AUTOLINK_EMPTY_WORD_FIELD'			=> 'Введите значение поля "Слово"!',
	'AUTOLINK_EMPTY_URL_FIELD'			=> 'Заполните URL!',
	'AUTOLINK_WORD_ALREADY_EXIST'		=> 'Это слово уже существует!')
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.2

Post by pierredu »

Thanks a lot.
I'll upload the file to github right now.

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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.2

Post by MaxTr »

pierredu, a small edit in the language file ru autolinks.php

Code: Select all

20....$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.2

Post by pierredu »

I've found it on my side. This is now corrected and updated in the repository.
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.2

Post by MaxTr »

Good day, pierredu!
This is a great extension! Tell me, please, is it possible to do
Ferrari http://www.ferrari.com/en_en/
Ferrari red http://www.ferrari.com/en_en/red/
Ferrari green http://www.ferrari.com/en_en/green/
Ferrari yellow http://www.ferrari.com/en_en/yellow/, that would work as one word, or both at once? It would be very good!
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.4

Post by pierredu »

I just did some tests.
For the time being, it is not possible, because of recursive replacing. That means that Ferrari red gets replaced, then, in the phrase Ferrari red, the term Ferrari alone.
On the other hand, you can have Ferrari red, Ferrari green and Ferrari yellow.

I'll have a deeper look in the code today, but I don't think there is a solution.

I uploaded a new version 1.0.4 which cures some little logging problems.
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.4

Post by MaxTr »

I brought not a good example, just it's important to me to build a taxonomy. About

Gen. Ectatosticta Simon, 1892
Ectatosticta davidi (Simon, 1889)
Ectatosticta deltshevi (Platnick & Jäger, 2009)

as a solution you can do

Gen. Ectatosticta Simon, 1892
E. davidi (Simon, 1889)
E. deltshevi (Platnick & Jäger, 2009)

and everything will work, if it is impossible or very difficult.
Thanks you the new version!
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.4

Post by pierredu »

I understand why you have such an interest for this extension. It would be a pain to add all URLs for all taxa in every post.
On the other hand, the solution with the shortened genus should work fine.
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.4

Post by Darth Pincho »

pierredu wrote:I just did some tests.
For the time being, it is not possible, because of recursive replacing. That means that Ferrari red gets replaced, then, in the phrase Ferrari red, the term Ferrari alone.
On the other hand, you can have Ferrari red, Ferrari green and Ferrari yellow.

I'll have a deeper look in the code today, but I don't think there is a solution.

I uploaded a new version 1.0.4 which cures some little logging problems.
Yes there is a solution apply the replacements in a specific order and youre done. So you first apply the larggest ones.

Ferrari red
Ferrari yellow
Ferrari wahtever
Ferrari (alone would be left by the end and only applied to those texts no previously modified by the plugin).

You can also group the words and/or give the admin the ability to order them
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.4

Post by Darth Pincho »

Ive added 2 keywords

CleNbuterol and cleMbuterol both pointed to the same url

destination url for both:

Code: Select all

Then i get this strange replacement. Look at this link. Second post fourth line

Code: Select all

The second keyword (cleMbuterol) is being replaced in the url resulting from the first keyword (cleNbuterol) sustitution. All because in the destination URL asigned to the 1st keyword is present the second keyword.

in conclusion a sustitution inside a sustitution.
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Re: [ALPHA] Autolinks 1.0.4

Post by pierredu »

The replacement function used is preg_replace and I don't think one can change its behaviour. It is indeed possible to order the keyword array but it doesn't change anything.

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