From Google themselves Does that mean I should avoid rewriting dynamic URLs at all?
A: That's our recommendation, unless your rewrites are limited to removing unnecessary parameters, or you are very diligent in removing all parameters that could cause problems. If you transform your dynamic URL to make it look static you should be aware that we might not be able to interpret the information correctly in all cases. If you want to serve a static equivalent of your site, you might want to consider transforming the underlying content by serving a replacement which is truly static. One example would be to generate files for all the paths and make them accessible somewhere on your site. However, if you're using URL rewriting (rather than making a copy of the content) to produce static-looking URLs from a dynamic site, you could be doing harm rather than good. Feel free to serve us your standard dynamic URL and we will automatically find the parameters which are unnecessary.
You are right.dondon pramis wrote: You just need a good content..End of i right?
Wrong,dondon pramis wrote:So no need to be SEo or what so ever to gain ranking in google...! You just need a good content..End of i right?
Same here, my site is nine years old and has over 165000 posts, I made a custom style but there's no SEO nonsense. All of that content in those posts is what gets indexed and shows up in search results, bringing in a constant stream of visitors and new members. If your site answers someone's question they are more likely to join, they certainly won't join if there's nothing there for them, no matter how 'pretty' you make the urls.david63 wrote:I have a site that is "straight out of the box" phpBB - no SEO, no human readable urls, no nothing other than content and it is at least on the first page of any Google search (obviously using the appropriate key words) if not in the top three.
Google is long term strategy to get users, as it takes time to build. Short term get a following on the social networks.dondon pramis wrote:thanks... my website is just few weeks old...![]()
my website is still on a process of upgrading...making things right...and so on...
but suggestions makes things right and good if cant make things perfect...
The appropriate keyword for this forum would be "phpBB" and entering that into Google would bring up this site, amongst others, but if I entered, for example, "red widgets" then this site would not appear very high, if at all, in a Google search.dondon pramis wrote:you said appropriate keyword? Can you please show us how?
it will now.david63 wrote:The appropriate keyword for this forum would be "phpBB" and entering that into Google would bring up this site, amongst others, but if I entered, for example, "red widgets" then this site would not appear very high, if at all, in a Google search.dondon pramis wrote:you said appropriate keyword? Can you please show us how?
You will only get out of Google what you put in - it is a simple as that