Hi guys,
Hoping this should be a simple one, just can't find the solution in Google.
I want to show at ad unit at the top, middle and bottom of each forum topic.
My forum shows 10 replies per topic, and to achieve this at the moment I have an ad at the top, in the template I'm using...
IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT == 4
... to show the ad in the middle. And I have an at the bottom.
When a most has many replies this works perfect, the problem is when a post has 4 replies, the 'middle' and 'bottom' add show directly above/below each other because there aren't enough replies to create space between them.
It's just a bit of a crappy user experience to see 2 ads in a row.
What I'm trying to do is still show the 'middle' add after the 4th reply, but only show it if there have been more than say 8 replies on that page.
I would want this to flow onto subsequent pages with pagination too.
I'm assuming there is something along the lines of "if replies on page = great than X" type variable but I can't find it.