Hey guys,
So I've done some research on here about having this issue and I seem to be having the same problem the person has in a previous thread where they can login, be re-authenticated, but then I'm having another issue. I am getting 1 of two responses over and over
Either it says it worked and I will be redirected to then it just becomes a blank white page
or it says I don't have administrative powers or whatever
I've called my host and they looked at the errors and only saw a few security things but they whitelisted me and I still couldn't log in.
It should be noted I am not tech savvy at all. I bought the forum a little while ago and phpBB is totally new to me. I also believe that this forum is on an older version. Not entirely sure which because I can't get into the ACP but it's not the new 3.1 or the newer one after. (3.2??)
Any help would be appreciated as I want to update the phpBB and more