Author: kasimi
Extension description: phpBB mChat extension
- Highly customizable, high performance real-time chat using AJAX
- Synchronized editing & deleting of messages
- 29 fine-grained user permissions that allow administrators to adjust what users can and can't do
- HTML5 valid & fully responsive
- Supported styles: prosilver and any style inheriting from it. If your style does not inherit from prosilver, read the FAQ here. subsilver2 is not supported. Special adjustments for the following styles are included:
- mChat 2.1.0 and later:
- Absolution, Allan Style - SUBSILVER, Basic, Black, Digi, Elegance, Flat Style, Hexagon, IDLaunch Fresh, Latte, MyInvision, Orange BBEs, PBWoW 3, proflat, prosilver Special Edition, Pro Ubuntu Lucid, Revolution, Rock'n Roll, SE Gamer Light, SE Gamer Dark, SE Square, SE Square Left, Simplicity
- Support for 360Elite and PBTech has been dropped since they are not available for phpBB 3.2.
- mChat does not come with support for any premium styles. Contact me if you want to hire me to integrate mChat in your premium style.
- mChat 2.0.3 and earlier:
- 360Elite, Basic, Black, Canvas, Digi, Elegance, Hexagon, Latte, Metro Blue (read the FAQ linked above for further instructions), MyInvision, ne-blackgreen, PBTech, PBWoW3, Simplicity, Subway
- mChat 2.1.0 and later:
Requirements - FAQ with version compatibility matrix
- mChat 2.1.0 and later:
- PHP >= 5.4.7
- phpBB >= 3.2.0
- mChat 2.0.3 and earlier:
- PHP >= 5.3.3
- phpBB >= 3.1.8-RC1
Installing, updating and uninstalling extensions:
Extension install path:
Changelog mChat 2.1.0 - changelogs for previous versions can be found at GitHub
- Support for phpBB 3.1.x has been dropped. See here for a version compatibility matrix.
- New features
- Added message reparser: all mChat messages in phpBB 3.1 and earlier format are converted to phpBB 3.2 format automatically, behind the scenes
- Moved many links (archive, rules etc) and options (toggle sound etc) to a new navbar dropdown menu to clean up the user interface
- Modernized text-area and BBCode & smilies buttons
- Added ACP option to disable logging of all mChat actions (edit, delete, prune, purge)
- Front-end changes
- Moved status icons to mChat's container header
- Removed session details from user interface
- Removed input auto grow
- Removed option "Display link in the navbar" (navbar item is always displayed)
- Don't display popup when trying to send an empty message
- Don't display a zero in navbar item if no user is chatting
- Moved "who is chatting" and character count below input field
- Fixed "who is chatting" display issue on custom page
- Added some space above legend on custom and archive pages
- Fixed textarea background color in custom styles
- Display message and end chat session if board is disabled
- Don't display BBCodes and smilies panels more than once (improves compatibility with other extensions)
- Moved ACP option for sessions in navbar link to correct place
- Minor improvements and bug fixes
- Check for minimum required PHP version when installing mChat
- Improved client session handling
- Improved wording of like and quote permissions
- Improved wording of global user settings explanation
- Fixed display issue of static message in IE
- Fixed checking user permissions when adding login notification
- Skip one refresh request when AJAX request failed
- Don't render BBCodes in post subjects and forum names of notification messages
- Use custom template name for form token (improves compatibility with other extensions)
- Fixed spelling in error messages
- Removed unused error messages from language files
- Removed pause on input feature
- New Events
- Added PHP event
- Added template events
- Added PHP event
Tested on phpBB version: 3.1.11
Download file:
File size: 139.89 KiB
Extension overview page: View
Except where otherwise noted, the phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this extension. By installing this extension, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Extension Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.
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