3Di wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:14 pm
If I were you I stay focused on the 3.2.x version, it's quite possible that the posts made for 3.1.x will be not correctly parsed into 3.2.x (I assume this, not tested).
Thanks for your advices, 3Di, but currently, my priority is 3.1.x

because it lacks Emoji support. Almost of my users use this branch and they need Emoji in their life

Emoji codes saved by 3.1 version just are ASCII chars, called shortnames. Once upgrade to 3.2, without installing this ext, these shortnames still be displayed naturally by s9e TextFormatter.
strelok-by wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2017 6:12 am
SE Square Left 3.2
I tested on this style, but no problems found
What are other extensions that you using on the posting page?
Dr.Death wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:58 pm
nice extension, but the new text area css destroys darker prosilver themes.... could you remove all the background and color stuff from your extension?
So it would be better compatible with all prosilver based styles.
Hi Death, I never want to make difficulties for everyone, but the text box that you see is not the old textarea. It is a div with contenteditable attribute, a new element, because textarea could not display images within it. This ext tries to set the fontsize and height from the old textarea, things else you need change to fit your needs.
and edit the class
.emojionearea .emojionearea-editor {
. You can find the un-minified code at
nextgen wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:44 pm
Froddelaar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:47 pm
Not working in phpBB 3.1.10
There is no Emoji icon in the textarea field.
The same here...
Hi nextgen and Froddelaar, I tested it again multi times. One or 2 times, when the network goes slow, the Emoji icon did not load correctly because the remote JS link
is very slow in response. I guess it may be the reason. I moved this file to ext local, hope this problem has gone. Test new version and let me know.
SalazarAG wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:58 pm
But there is a problem with quick reply reloaded. When EmojiPicker is active, it is not possible to use any QUICK Reply Reloaded function (such as quick quote and quote full, among others).
Are there plans to make both extensions compatible?
Hi SalazarAG, the new version supported "quick quote" from QuickReply Reloaded
FranckTH wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:03 pm
it would be nice to add on mChat 2.0.0
KenTSA wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:40 pm
When emoji picker is active, bb codes from mchat doesn't work....can you solved it? And can you put emoji picker in mchat?
mChat support has added