Tengo el Phpbb 3.3 y e instalado en la direccion que se indica pero no lo encuentro en el ACP, ni mucho menos en la pestaña "administrar extensiones" me podrian explicar que e echo mal? E utilizado FTP, y tampoco descomprimiendolo directamente en el servidor.
Hi David, I'm testing this extension with 3.3, and when I have it in responsive mode I can display the logo with a header correctly on a PC (or a tablet) but on a phone it doesn't show the logo (as expected) but instead it displays the site name. So I get the site name twice with the site description underneath the two site names. Is this how its supposed to work or is it a bug?
Ditcheat wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:11 pm
Hi David, I'm testing this extension with 3.3, and when I have it in responsive mode I can display the logo with a header correctly on a PC (or a tablet) but on a phone it doesn't show the logo (as expected) but instead it displays the site name. So I get the site name twice with the site description underneath the two site names. Is this how its supposed to work or is it a bug?
ticking no for make responsive worked for me on that one
Tried that and, as you say, it puts the logo on the display. But the site name and description are pushed down, so that they flow into the body of the forum display!
If that's the only way around it, I will have to make the logo smaller I suppose?
martin78 wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:04 am
Tengo el Phpbb 3.3 y e instalado en la direccion que se indica pero no lo encuentro en el ACP, ni mucho menos en la pestaña "administrar extensiones" me podrian explicar que e echo mal? E utilizado FTP, y tampoco descomprimiendolo directamente en el servidor.
This is an English Speaking board, please post in English
Upload the unzipped files to root/ext/david63/sitelogo and enable it in the ACP
I don't know how familiar you are with version 3.3 of the phpBB application, but this last bit of instruction you've given is very confusing for what you ("don't") say....
I started to follow these instructions and took a look at the folders in my directories. The following files already exist:
So when you say to upload the files to (two completely new folders that we must create), titled "david63" and a sub-folder titled "sitelogo", are you telling us to create redundant, sub-folders with all those same names? Including redundant subfolders in the "styles" folder titled "all" and "prosilver"? If not then I hope you edit your instructions to be more specific in telling us which files should be uploaded to existing folders, which new folders should be created and which new redundant folders should be created. At the moment, I'm stumped and not certain of where to upload these files.
TeamHaven wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:38 pm
I don't know how familiar you are with version 3.3 of the phpBB application
Very familiar - I have been using since inception.
TeamHaven wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:38 pm
ut this last bit of instruction you've given is very confusing for what you ("don't") say....
Not sure I follow that - what don't I say?
TeamHaven wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:38 pm
So when you say to upload the files to (two completely new folders that we must create), titled "david63" and a sub-folder titled "sitelogo", are you telling us to create redundant, sub-folders with all those same names?
I don't know what you mean by "redundant" sub folders.
In the root of your board is a folder called ext in that folder you create a folder david63 and in that folder you create another folder called sitelogo. You then upload all of the unzipped files (in their folder structure) into the sitelogo folder
David Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!
I now no longer support any of my extensions but they will start to become available here
Your installation instructions are confusing. You have them written as:
Download the latest release and unzip it.
Upload the unzipped files to root/ext/david63/sitelogo and enable it in the ACP
I have done computer programming in C, C++ and the Java language and I've built several websites so I understand how important it is to be precise with what you do and say, otherwise things simply won't work. So I'm trying to understand if you mean to:
1) Create a folder titled "david63" and within that folder, create a sub-folder titled "sitelogo", and then create 8 redundant sub-folders for "adm, config, controller, core, event, language & styles" and then upload all the contents within those folders?
2) Create a Create a folder titled "david63" and within that folder, create a sub-folder titled "sitelogo", then upload the two files within that folder titled "composerljson and ext.php"; then upload the remaining files to their perspective folders already existing on the server?
I am so sick and tired of how difficult everything is to do for this app. Today is day 4 of trying to build my forum and make it look like the rest of my site and this is one of the last things I need to do. Although I am very happy that you've created this program to help us with logos, the instructions are too short and not very concise. Please clarify where we are to upload these files.