Author: RMcGirr83
Extension description: Extension will query the stop forum spam database on registration and posting (for guests only) and deny the post and or registration to go through if found.
- Will log an entry in the ACP if so set.
- Extension sends usernames, emails and IP addresses to a third party server. Via HTTPS when adding and querying.
- Works with the Contact Admin Extension to disallow those trying to use the Contact Admin extension to submit.
- Ability to report a users post to Stop Forum Spam database with API key from within viewing a topic (admins and mods only) or a PM if the user has permissions to report PMs. Can never report mods or admins.
- Fix for username wild card issue (would return a false positive)
If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer

Extension version: 1.3.10
Tested on phpBB version: 3.2.10
Download file:
File size: 37.71 KiB
Extension overview page: View
Except where otherwise noted, the phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this extension. By installing this extension, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Extension Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.
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