branch is up to date._config.html
you can define how forums are displayed.Also how come some extensions arent supported such as Board Rules, Knowledge Base, Pastebin, Articles, Glossary ? And is there a list of supported extensions I can see?
Code: Select all
Unable to find template "boardrules_controller.html" (looked into: /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/boardrules/styles/all/template, /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/styles/bootlike/template, /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/styles/bootlike/theme, /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/styles/all/template).
Code: Select all
Unable to find template "glossaire.html" (looked into: /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/ext/lmdi/gloss/styles/all/theme, /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/styles/bootlike/template, /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/styles/bootlike/theme, /membri/cheyne/phpBB3/styles/all/template).
Code: Select all
Unable to find template "@phpbbde_pastebin/pastebin_body.html" (looked into: ).
How do I get this quick style thingy of mine to look like the demo forum's one?This board has no forums.
Is there an alternative way of doing these extensions or would I need to do custom pages myself by php/html?