Author: Galandas
Extension Description: Add Clippy or his friends to your Board for instant nostalgia.
What is Clippy
Clippy and his friends can help you point out something to users, example you want to point out to users when they open a new topic in a particular forum, you have to read the rules of the forum with the link pointing to the page. You want write something important to point out to users, you want to put a video or an image, and many other things.
Extension Version: 1.0.4
List Problems encountered:
- The images come out from the comic text
- The videos come out from the comic text
- It does not work with BBcode who use the JS
- Please note that at the moment you can only insert one unique message for all the forums chosen in ACP.
- Copy and paste text does not work.
- Notice: When entering text in the input area for the character's speech bubble, please avoid adding manual line breaks. The character may not appear correctly if you insert new lines. The text in the speech bubble is automatically wrapped according to the available space, so there's no need to manually add line breaks. Write your text continuously, and the system will handle the formatting properly in the speech bubble.
- Administration control panel
- Enable more forums from ACP
- Permission Groups
- User Permissions
- Choice of the movement of the character from the bottom upwards
- Enable/Disable motion
- Choice of characters, Clippy, Bonzi, Genie, Merlin, Peedy, Rocky, Rover, Links, Genius, F1
- Forum Choice, added the ability to choose multiple forums from Acp
- Improved JS code to make text in speech bubble last longer before disappearing
Screenshots: VIDEO DEMO:
Click here
Extension Download: Click here
Extension Updated, added more features, strengthened and enhanced the code. Read the added and improved features on the front page.