i managed to change the site logo and adjusted the width and height according to post in this thread
but when i change the values in the config.html to disable the left table the logo also disapears completely even if i have set the value to 1
also when i modify the config.html the text within the config is displayed in the top of my browser
also the colour.css makes it easy to adjust the colors to green (dont want my site to look exactly like facebook but i dig the layout allot)
another question ive got is is it possible to set the default folded in for the colapsible forum function?
eddit: the forums are staying collapsed and wont even unfold either dont know whats wrong is it maybe because i got also the extension collapsible forums installed ?
another question
how do i remove the icons behind the topics wich makes you see the code ?
any help would be appriciated but so far ive come to this result:
not bad for a rookie noob coder if i say so myself