Author: HiFiKabin
Stying: cabot
Extension Description: Adds links at the top of your board. You can add FA icons, colour the button, add shadow, control who has access to the link and more. Unused links do not appear as blank spaces. You can align then left, centre or right and either enter the HTML color you would like eg
or use the colour picker supplied. On Hover colour is also configurable.An 'Advanced Search' icon is placed in the Breadcrumbs if that option is selected.
Leaving the URL field empty on form submit deletes that button.
The FA ICON codes can be found here and need to be entered as
On smaller screens the button size is reduced, corners less rounded, the FA icon removed and only the beginning of the buttons name is shows. If there are too many buttons for the size of the display then they can be found in a dropdown is the same was as the "Quick Links" are shown. The "On Hover" text is still shown in full.
Based on and adapted from the link bar on
Thanks to Lumpy Burgertushie for assembling the Style files and especially to my BETA testers who have helped to make this extension what it has become.
Extension Version: 3.2.2
- EN
- Additional Language Pack fr, de
- prosilver

- Download the latest release and unzip it.
- Upload the folder
and enable it in the ACP
The contact us link at the bottom of this Forum or CDB Topic