Will pay for someone to create a simple style

For style authors to post and receive feedback on 3.1.x styles still in development. Any development styles you wish to use on your live board should be installed with caution!
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Will pay for someone to create a simple style

Post by Freehand »

I need a basic style done for my forum and I have an example of a phpbb forum that is very similar. Will pay someone to do it since i'm not very educated on how to make them
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Name: Jim Mossing Holsteyn

Re: Will pay for someone to create a simple style

Post by JimA »

Hi, welcome to phpBB.com! :)

Unfortunately, we don't allow solicitation of people for your own (paid) personal projects. You're not allowed to ask somebody to create a paid project for you over the forums, and therefore I'll close your topic.

We usually ask you to look at the signatures of team and community members. You can PM members that specifically state to be available for private work for a quote.
Jim Mossing Holsteyn - Former Community Team Leader
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