LucioTS wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 11:13 am Hello,
First of all, thank you for your work.
I have, on my forum, installed version 3.2.18
I have upgraded the php from 7.4 to 8.2 and I have errors that do not allow this extension to run.
I have updated to version 4.0.5 and proceeded to disable the extension, delete the content in the ext folder... and loading the new files.
But I cannot activate the plugin...
The error is:
The extension "gfksx/ThanksForPosts" is invalid.
The searched file cannot be found: ./../ext/gfksx/ThanksForPosts/composer.json (the file is present in the directory)
My forum data:
version 3.3.11
php 8.2
steps taken to update the extension:
I disable the extension
via ftp removed the Thanksforpost directory
uploaded the thankforpost directory (version 4.0.5)
Unable to enable in customisation panel due to error
Any suggestion to solve this?
Many thank's.
Thank you for your help.Naguissa wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:09 am It seems that disabling old extension was not done correctly or maybe cache problems. You can try:
1. If you have access to ACP, clear phpbb cache
2. If not, delete cache folder (using FTP or any access to the server)
3. If you can access to database, delete "gfksx/ThanksForPosts" from phpbb_extensions table
4. Reinstall old "gfksx/ThanksForPosts" files and ensure to disable (maybe also clear data, but have a backup as it will delete your historic data!) before deleting the files again.
LucioTS wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:30 pmThank you for your help.Naguissa wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:09 am It seems that disabling old extension was not done correctly or maybe cache problems. You can try:
1. If you have access to ACP, clear phpbb cache
2. If not, delete cache folder (using FTP or any access to the server)
3. If you can access to database, delete "gfksx/ThanksForPosts" from phpbb_extensions table
4. Reinstall old "gfksx/ThanksForPosts" files and ensure to disable (maybe also clear data, but have a backup as it will delete your historic data!) before deleting the files again.
I can access both the ACP and the DB
What you suggested did not work.
I then tried deleting the extension completely (delete data) from the ACP panel but this error appears:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class naguissa\thanksforposts\migrations\v_4_0_0, because the name is already in use in /web/htdocs/ ... _4_0_0.php on line 14
Thank you for your help and your time. I really appreciate it.Naguissa wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:45 pm You have uploaded new extension as old one.
--- EDIT: 0. Disable both extensions!
1. Upload this version as gfksx/ThanksForPosts (take care with capitals) : ... /tag/3.3.0
2. Delete naguissa/thanksforposts
3. In ACP, clear phpbb cache
4. Ensure to disable gfksx/ThanksForPosts (maybe also clear data, but have a backup as it will delete your historic data!) before deleting the files again.
5. Upload latest version as naguissa/thanksforposts : ... ses/latest
6. Enable new extension
I have to redo migration script, but it's taking so much time because compatibility issues: I cannot use "INSERT IGNORE", "ON DUPLICATE KEY" and similar expressions because I need to make it cross-compatible (mysql/mariadb, pgsql, even sqli).
Wrong. Since 4.0.0 it has to be under ext/naguissa/thanksforpostsI copied, via FTP, the new version of 'Thanksforposts 4.0.5' to ext/gfksx/Thankforpost.
1. Upload this version as gfksx/ThanksForPosts (take care with capitals) : ... /tag/3.3.0
LucioTS wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:13 pmThank you for your help and your time. I really appreciate it.Naguissa wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:45 pm You have uploaded new extension as old one.
--- EDIT: 0. Disable both extensions!
1. Upload this version as gfksx/ThanksForPosts (take care with capitals) : ... /tag/3.3.0
2. Delete naguissa/thanksforposts
3. In ACP, clear phpbb cache
4. Ensure to disable gfksx/ThanksForPosts (maybe also clear data, but have a backup as it will delete your historic data!) before deleting the files again.
5. Upload latest version as naguissa/thanksforposts : ... ses/latest
6. Enable new extension
I have to redo migration script, but it's taking so much time because compatibility issues: I cannot use "INSERT IGNORE", "ON DUPLICATE KEY" and similar expressions because I need to make it cross-compatible (mysql/mariadb, pgsql, even sqli).
I disabled the version, deleted the data, deleted via FTP the dir 'Thanksforposts 3.3.0' (/ext/gfksx/ThanksForPosts) and cleared the cache from ACP.
I copied, via FTP, the new version of 'Thanksforposts 4.0.5' to ext/gfksx/Thankforpost.
But I cannot find in the ACP extension panel the Thanks for posts extension to enable. It is not in the list of extensions to enable or in enabled.
I noticed that in the zip file the extension is not under 'gfksx' but under 'neguissa'.
I have also tried uploading to the /ext/neguissa/Thankforpost folder but cannot find the extension in the list of extensions to be enabled.
I have tried clearing the cache but nothing changes.
The extension is not even present in the ext table of the db
I notice that version 3.3.0 and 4.0.5 have different folder names (ThanksForPosts vs. Thankforpost)
LucioTS wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:24 pm Hello,
Thank you again for your help and patience.
I have performed the following steps:
Reinstalled version 3.2.8 (disabled) (in gfksx) and reloaded from backup the table '_thanks' in the db.
Updated to 3.3.0 and enabled (also works with php 8.2) and found all the thank you data again.
Disabled 3.3.0, deleted the data and removed the folder (in gfksx). The extension is no longer shown in ACP.
Cleared the cache from ACP.
Installed 4.0.5 (under neguissa)... It is not shown in the list of extensions to be enabled
If I try to install 3.3.0 I can see the extension in the ACP in the list of disabled but the 4.0.5 is not show...
Code: Select all
DELETE FROM phpbb_ext WHERE ext_name LIKE 'naguissa/thanksforposts';
LucioTS wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:10 pm Bye,
here's what happens:
Permission of the directory are setting to 755 (old or new)
if I use the file extracted from downolad 4.0.5 it creates the folder /naguissa/Thankforposts
The extension is not shown in the list of extensions to be enabled.
Reading your last post I corrected the directory to /naguissa/thankforposts
Now the extension is shown in the list to be enabled.
But if I enable it, this error appears:
The required module does not exist: ACP_THANKS
If I try to enable it again this error appears:
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Duplicate entry 'naguissa/thanksforposts' for key 'ext_name' [1062].
INSERT INTO phpbb_ext (ext_name, ext_active, ext_state) VALUES ('naguissa/thanksforposts', 0, 's:13:\"notifications";')
FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 1031
CALL: trigger_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php
LINE: 202
CALL: phpbb/db/driver->sql_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/factory.php
LINE: 353
CALL: phpbb/db/driver->sql_query()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/extension/manager.php
LINE: 179
CALL: phpbb\driver\factory->sql_query()
FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/extension/manager.php
LINE: 241
CALL: phpbb\extension\manager->update_state()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_extensions.php
LINE: 209
CALL: phpbb\extension\manager->enable_step()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 676
CALL: acp_extensions->main()
FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()
If I try to delete the data, the error appears:
A module already exists: ACP_THANKS
Code: Select all
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/db/migrator.php on line 662: Undefined array key 44
It's a Warning because you have phpBB in debug mode. May be another error, but it's not an Error.Bruce Banner wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:53 pm Tried enabling but got the following error message,
Code: Select all
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/db/migrator.php on line 662: Undefined array key 44
The screenshot you posted: it shows any kind of problem with "privacypolicy" extension.LucioTS wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:29 am Hello,
Sorry for the delay in replying to you.
I installed 4.0.6 and it works.