I have a little problem, In the forum it shows over all of the categories "Topics".
It should be "Global" on the first category. "Announcments" on the second. "Sticky" on the three. and then "Topics". I checked my lanugage common's file and viewforum.php.
I think it's something in viewforumbody.html.
This mod worked for me in 3.1. I am sure someone can help me to fit it to 3.2.
The mod says to :
<open src="styles/prosilver/template/viewforum_body.html">
<find><![CDATA[ <dt><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE -->{L_ACTIVE_TOPICS}<!-- ELSEIF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH and (topicrow.S_POST_ANNOUNCE or topicrow.S_POST_GLOBAL) -->{L_ANNOUNCEMENTS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_TOPICS}<!-- ENDIF --></dt>]]></find>
And replace
<action type="replace-with"><![CDATA[ <dt><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE and topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE ne 1 -->{L_ACTIVE_TOPICS}<!-- ELSEIF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE eq 3 -->{L_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS}<!-- ELSEIF (topicrow.S_POST_ANNOUNCE or topicrow.S_POST_GLOBAL) eq 2 -->{L_ANNOUNCEMENTS}<!-- ELSEIF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE eq 1 -->{L_STICKY}<!-- ELSE -->{L_TOPICS}<!-- ENDIF --></dt>]]></action>
I know the problem is there since I right clicked on the "Topics" and then Check ingredient and it showed me there.
Help please.