I remember there was an option in 3.1 to use html specialcharscolor and I could just use BB Codes for my rank color.
I succeed now to do it but in forum topic I see the bb code and not the color
"<!-- IF RANK_TITLE --><dd style="text-align: center;">htmlspecialchars_decode({RANK_TITLE})</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
Please keep in mind that we have a six hour bumping rule here. You may need to be a bit more patient (especially with custom coding requests like this one) as everybody on here works on a voluntary basis.
what's wrong ? how to fix<dl>
<dt><label for="title">{L_RANK_TITLE}:</label></dt>
<dd><input name="title" type="text" id="title" value="{RANK_TITLE}" maxlength="255" /></dd>
you've an error in the edited file, so may we can help you,