Conversion First Steps

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Conversion First Steps

Post by ConvertMe »

I would like to convert an active forum from SMF 2.0.X to phpBB 3.2.1 on a dedicated Windows server. pbpBB is actually an application in my Plesk panel and so installation should not be an issue. However, I have a few questions on what happens afterward. I am reading this document here, which I assume is that latest and greatest convertor document:


This page says, "If you are converting from a board other than phpBB2, upload the convertor files which you downloaded from the appropriate topic in the 3.1.x Convertors forum." I have a couple of questions about that:

a) Do I really want to download from the 3.1.X Convertors forum when I am doing a 3.2.1 install?

b) Can you please point me to the correct download page?

c) Would I do anything different with the above if I am doing all of this on a Windows machine?


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