ivailo95 wrote: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:57 pm
How can i make this NAVBAR static or Movable ?

? someone
Well, it was intended to to sticky navbar because there's already one navbar in phpBB. Didn't think anyone could want it not be sticky. So I hardcoded the
class in the template.
So what you have to do now, is override those css.
Enable custom css and put the following in it:
Code: Select all
.navbar.yamm.navbar-fixed-top {
position: static;
body#phpbb {
padding-top: 0;
Alternatively if you want to edit the template files, then remove the
file and
section from
epi4dogs wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 12:36 am
Thanks for this fantastic extension, works beautifully on 3.2.4, customised Flat Style (Prosilver) and solved a navigation problem in how to integrate with our Wordpress site whilst retaining unique forum URLs. Cheers
One little thing, when I add other font awesome icon names (i.e. dog) no icons appear. Only the home icon seems to stick. Do I need to do anything to enable other icons?
glad that you liked it.
phpBB uses font-awesome 4.7.0
so you have to use class name according to this version.
Font-awesome 5 uses different structure for class names. These class names won't work for 4.7
here you will find the correct icon class names: