This was going to be my next project ... but you are doing it better.
If I need some functionality - can I contribute the code?
Some functions popping in my mind are:
1. Event owner can check the attendance list and see who showed up (later even check who paid (I do events where the attendants are rewarded medals (the event medals extension) and I need to keep track of who showed up)
2. Different forums for different types of events.
3. Invite only events
For list of all my extensions go to
If you want custom functions in some of my products - PM me and we will discuss it.
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The phpBB Extension Customisations Team
Hi Steve.
Thanks for a great job, but I have coupple a questions:
- The user tab "Calendar" shows all the months of the current year, it is posible by default only show the current month, and with a arrow navigate to the next or previous months?.
- It is posible search for the name of the events in the page?
- It is possible to see calendar tab without login into the phpBB?
Please advise
Thanks in advance
Last edited by edzela on Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.