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$message = preg_replace('/\[quote=(.*?)\]/s', '[quote="\1"]', $message);
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1. Install your phpBB board
2. Rename the install folder to something else
3. Upload the extension in the ext folder from this repo to the correct location and enable it in the ACP
4. Rename the install folder back
5. Upload the files in the install folder from this repo to the correct location
6. Run the convertor in the installer
7. Delete the install folder
8. Have fun
Did you get this to work? I get the white screen too.gfa-SkyRanger wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:11 pm Hi,
is there any further information, about how to run this?
Its not clearly explained, how to "run" this convertor.
The readme saysBut on line 6 im stuck.Code: Select all
1. Install your phpBB board 2. Rename the install folder to something else 3. Upload the extension in the ext folder from this repo to the correct location and enable it in the ACP 4. Rename the install folder back 5. Upload the files in the install folder from this repo to the correct location 6. Run the convertor in the installer 7. Delete the install folder 8. Have fun
If i run the installer, its tells me to delete the install folder.
if i run the file "https://[URL]/cms/install/convertors/convert_smf20.php", then i get a white page and nothing happens.
I want to try to convert from smf 2.0.15 to phpBB 3.2.7
any solution there?
thx, SkyRanger
Code: Select all
=> 1054 )
I assume this is what the issue is, can anyone shed any light on this?
I was converting from SMF 2.0.14 to PHPBB 3.2.11
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INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_type, group_id, username, username_clean, user_regdate, user_password, user_email, user_lang, user_style, user_rank, user_colour, user_posts, user_permissions, user_ip, user_birthday, user_lastpage, user_last_confirm_key, user_post_sortby_type, user_post_sortby_dir, user_topic_sortby_type, user_topic_sortby_dir, user_avatar, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_jabber, user_actkey, user_newpasswd) VALUES (3, 5, 'Admin1', 'admin1', 0, '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '[email protected]', 'en', 1, 1, 'AA0000', 1, '', '', '', '', '', 't', 'a', 't', 'd', '', '', '', '', '', '');