Author: Sajaki
Style description: Version Child Styles
- pbWoW 3.2.11 Base style
- pbWoW 3.2.9 BattleCry
- pbWoW 3.2.9 Garrison
- pbWoW 3.2.9 Heroes
- pbWoW 3.2.9 Wotlk
- pbWoW 3.2.9 xmas
- pbWoW 3.2.9 TBC
- pbWoW 3.2.9 Pandaria
- others will follow...
PBWoW 3 also has an accompanying pbWoW Official extension, which provides additional features, such as:
- Animated HTML5 video backgrounds
- Custom ACP modules features:
- Version update checking
- Compatibility and config check, to see if PBWoW 3 has been configured correctly
- Custom logo settings (enable/disable, url, size, margins)
- Custom header-bar (enable/disable, content, fixed to top)
- Custom header-box links (enable/disable, content)
- Video background settings (enable/disable, display on all pages or index only, fixed position)
Style version: 3.2.11
Tested on phpBB version: 3.2.11
Download file:
File size: 2.91 MiB
Style overview page: View
The phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this Style. By installing this Style, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Style Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.
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